In march’s solo episode of finding grace I share :

Why spring is the perfect time to think about what you want to bring to life. Where I am at and what I’m feeling. Why we have to start at the foundations and strip things back and do a life audit.  The importance of not trying to do everything at once, and why this ends feeling overwhelming and often nothing happens. Why checking if you’re aligned to what you want to bring to life is so important. The power of micro habits and the small things that are effective. Looking at all the relationships in our lives and bringing it back to ourselves and filling our cup first.  Why filling are cup allows us to function better. The importance of recognising we all function differently so figuring out what’s right for us. Why looking at our nervous system is vital in all of this. Looking at what your nervous system is telling you and working from this place.  Why sometimes,  when you’ve worked on the foundations it’s actually something different and better that you want to bring to life.

I share all this and more, do share your thoughts with me.

Are you looking forward to spring?

What do you want to bring to life?

How has your March been ?

You can find me at : 

Instagram @thehannahwallace Twitter @hannahwallace_ Face book @thehannahwallace Website 

Thank you so much for listening please share, subscribe and review it’s greatly appreciated and I hope you find grace in your week ahead.