In this episode of finding grace I am joined by Alex Howard the CEO and founder of the optimum health clinic, the author of “Decode your fatigue” and “why ME”, Podcast host, conference host “trauma super conference”, Anxiety super conference”, “Sleep super conference”.  Alex is doing some incredible work helping people unlock their healing potential. There is also a book coming out this year all about healing and working with your trauma.

I actually read Alex’s first book many years ago early on in my journey. 

I can’t wait to share Alex on here today. 

In this episode:

Alex shares what finding grace means to him and the journey his been on and what has led him to this work here today.  He shares his story of how he’s transformed his experiences to helping and transforming other people’s lives. We discuss the complexities of healing and how this requires a tool box for the mind, body and nervous system rather than just one thing. We talk about his book “decode your fatigue”, and the turning point for people when we look at healing and working with this.  He shares all about the nervous system and the importance of this and we dive into why this is fundamental in our healing journey. Why regulation of this is key and how the early co regulation or lack of it can impact it. The importance of feeling safe in our bodies and how it’s at the core of things. We discuss what a maladaptive stress response is.  He shares all about trauma and how it’s not like we often assume being in a war zone or something major like this, but we all experience trauma differently and how our bodies and nervous systems process this. He shares the importance of dealing with this. We talk about our nervous systems having a memory and why we need to reset it and come back to safety. We discuss practises that help us self regulation and beyond that we discuss being trauma informed around this if these practises are too much. We talk about feeling our feelings properly and leaning into this and to sit with this and the safety around this, and the invitation to feel what we need to heal rather than ignore it. We discuss self care beyond the bubble baths and self care and what it really is. He talks about deep therapeutic change and why thats important. We discuss where they can find the things Alex is offering and the different things that can serve people where they are at. He shares what’s bringing him joy right now.  He talks about the tools that support and help him in his life.

Alex shares all this and more in this in depth episode.

Do reach out to me to continue this conversation, we covered so many important topics I would love to hear your thoughts.

If you would like to find all of Alex’s work, attend the clinic etc you can find Alex and all of his books, podcast, programs, conferences and all the work he’s doing here:

Instagram @alexhowardtherapy Podcast here  Get the books here  Youtube  Facebook @alexhoward Twitter @alexhworardtv

You can find me at : 

Instagram @thehannahwallace Twitter @hannahwallace_ Face book @thehannahwallace Website 


Thank you so much for listening please share, subscribe and review it’s greatly appreciated and I hope you find grace in your week ahead.