“People are compelling not only because of credentials and accomplishments. They’re compelling because they are likable. What makes you likeable? When you talk about what you’re passionate about, when you talk about what you value, and you talk about what your mission on this Earth is.” - William Arruda

“Women, in particular, think self-promotion is a dirty word, but here’s the funny thing. It’s the successful professionals who know that when you stay quiet about your achievements and your accomplishments, and even your leadership or thought expertise, you’re going to be overlooked.” - Ora Shtull

As a professional you most likely have a LinkedIn profile, but are you taking full advantage of how this platform can help build and advance your career? It’s not just “nice” to be on LinkedIn now, it’s an absolute must to place your digital brand in the forefront, and today’s Finding Brave guests provide their expert LinkedIn strategies that you can use to blast your career upward.

William Arruda and Ora Shtull are the co-founders of CareerBlast.TV, a personal branding plus platform for professionals who want to stand out and succeed.

William has been credited with turning the concept of personal branding into a global industry. He delivers personal and social branding keynotes all over the world. William is the author of Career Distinction, Ditch Dare Do, and the upcoming, Digital You.

Ora is a sought-after executive Coach in New York City. She’s built a stellar reputation over 20 years helping leaders get promoted and land on the “top most powerful” industry lists. She’s the author of The Glass Elevator: A Guide to Leadership Presence for Women on the Rise and the upcoming, Power Up your Personal Brand.

William and Ora are two of the world’s top authorities on personal branding and career advancement, and they offer their amazing resource, Power Up Your LinkedIn Profile, which will start building your personal brand and fast-track your career growth - today!

To learn more about today's guests, visit: https://careerblast.tv/