“One of the biggest mistakes I made at Leverage was premature scaling. We grew too quickly, and we didn’t have our internal processes and operations well dialed in. We didn’t have our product perfected, so enjoy being small as long as possible and use that time to build a solid foundation.” - Nick Sonnenberg

When it comes to scaling your business, there comes a time when you will need help from outside resources to get to that next level you wish to get to. Today’s Finding Brave guest gives a roadmap for how we can scale our businesses efficiently and effectively, and how we can avoid the “bigger is better” trap that many entrepreneurs fall into along the way.

Nick Sonnenberg is a serial entrepreneur with a passion for creating companies that disrupt the way people live. He is the co-founder of Leverage, founder and CEO of Efficient Frontier Solutions, Inc. as well as being a contributor and the co-author of the book Idea to Execution.

Before making the jump to the startup technology space, Nick spent more than eight years on Wall Street as a high frequency algorithmic trader. His personal mission is to help busy entrepreneurs and executives optimize their lives in a meaningful way and help them go from idea to execution in as few steps as possible.

Nick is someone who is always looking for a better way to do things, and by using the lessons he’s learned about growing businesses, you can achieve what you define as “success,, in the most pain-free and streamlined way possible for you, your team and your clients.

To learn more about today's guest, visit: https://getleverage.com/