“My fundamental truth behind The Thought Leader Formula, besides the solution to #MeToo, is that 90% of people have the ability to be a thought leader, we just have to understand how to follow that path.” - Robin Farmanfarmaian

Being a thought leader is building a business, and almost anyone can do it with the right mindset. To become a thought leader though, you need to know and hone your business model, revenue streams, and who your customer is. Today’s Finding Brave guest shows us how we can do this, whether we are an entrepreneur, work in a corporate setting, or have a side gig.

Robin Farmanfarmaian is a professional speaker, entrepreneur, and angel investor driving high-level business development for a wide array of organizations in the medical and biotech fields and beyond. Empowering professionals, Robin also works with executives, entrepreneurs, consultants and other professionals who want to become thought leaders in order to accelerate their career and business goals. Her 1st book, The Patient as CEO: How Technology Empowers the Healthcare Consumer, is a #1 Best Seller on Amazon. Her 2nd book, The Thought Leader Formula, is out now.

It’s been a journey for Robin to become who she is today, and the very personal story she reveals in this episode can help many of us see that we too can share our ideas in a bigger way than we are currently, and why that’s a gift to the world.

To learn more about today's guest, visit: https://www.robinff.com/