Today, I interview Dr. Gary Wohlman, a powerful teacher who is important to me because he was one of my first coaches! I had a transformative experience with him and I am so honored and proud to share him with you all today. 

Gary was born in New York City to Russian Jewish parents. They were hardworking pillars of the community. Gary was always very physically active and expressive, always moving his body in every way possible. His mother felt his creativity and free spirit might limit him in his career, so she encouraged him to pursue more academic, traditional vocations. He would show her his art, and she would ask him how his math classes were going. This broke Gary's heart. He wanted to thrive but felt so limited and disconnected by the lack of encouragement in this area. 

He found out he had a relative who had pursued the arts and found success, and this helped Gary to break through and give himself permission to explore and express himself in the creative world, no longer trying to fit into the molds and perceptions of success that are most common in today's society. 

Dr. Gary works in a spontaneous, creative way. Instead of conforming to a step-by-step method, he improvises with people based on what he senses about them. He guides them through their fears to process their experiences and break through those fears. One amazing technique he uses is a guided affirmation, where he asks us to say, "People are more interested to hear my message than I am scared to share it." And it's true! Today, Gary thrives using his "multisensory" techniques to spread the awareness and message, quite literally, that we can be ourselves, we can follow our hearts, and we can break free.


Dr. Gary Wohlman has devoted his lifetime as an archaeologist of the soul ~ liberating stored layers of energy, communication, and expression buried within the physical, emotional, and creative layers in the landscapes of our bodies. Since the pandemic has shifted the ways we are able to reach and connect with one another, Dr. Gary has been developing offerings online to provide visceral coaching and counseling without having to be in the same room or even in the same part of the world. 

As a performing artist, he has specialized and developed the character of Sharaad La Charade, court jester. In this capacity, he provides improvisational storytelling where audiences participate in his living legends by enacting the characters in the scripts he is weaving. These days, he uses this jester persona to awaken creativity, spontaneity, and authenticity with developing speakers, presenters, entrepreneurs, performing artists, and developing leaders. 

As a communication artist, his one-on-one coaching and interactive signature speech /keynote presentation and workshop "Speaking from the Heart, Transforming your Message with your BODY & VOICE", has assisted thousands to enhance the engagement, impact, and effectiveness of their presentations, and to bring their message out into the world. His soul's devotion is to awaken creativity and full self-expression and to assist fellow humans to take a stand for our lives - through our body, our chief instrument and temple of communication. 

Find Gary here: 2 


I'm your podcast host, Dr. Doreen Downing, and I help people find their voice so th

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