Previous Episode: #75 Free to Be You and Me

Today, I interview Michelle Prince who grew up in Chicago in a strong, faith-based family. Her parents were from big Catholic families, so she and her brother had deep Catholic roots during their upbringing. It was a safe and happy home, but there were strict rules and high expectations. 

Her mother had grown up in a home where perfection was expected, so Michelle often got a sense of those same expectations from her. Michelle was cautious and obedient, but when it came time for her to go to school, she was ready to jump into her own independence. She says she always had a strong social presence, always being animated and friendly, wanting to be liked by everyone. 

Years later when she began college, she met Zig Ziglar and was immediately inspired by him. She wanted to get all she could out of life. She wanted to be successful and make lots of money, and in order to do that, she had to learn to speak up for herself and tell the world what she wanted. She did finally break into that space and reach the success she'd dreamt of, but it had come at the cost of her passion. She wasn't doing something she loved. Even in getting to work with Zig, Michelle felt like something was missing. The company encouraged personal development, building confidence, and self-esteem. But she just didn't feel like herself. She didn't feel free to show herself fully and be seen with complete vulnerability. 

She loved God but didn't feel free to share her faith with her peers. She felt like an imposter with a mask on, leaving out some of the biggest and most important parts of herself. She started writing. At first, she journaled casually, but then it grew and became more serious and she poured herself into it, feeling her connection to God and eventually turning her writing into a book. This was the turning point for Michelle. She had finally found her passion and had enough confidence to start. She completed the book and started her business. Now that she has broken through, she loves to use the phrase "claim your authority" not to express the ego, but to acknowledge your identity and be boldly yourself. She encourages others to release the fear that holds them back and to step into life with joy, passion, and authenticity. 


Michelle Prince is a best-selling author, motivational speaker, publishing expert, leadership coach, podcast host of The Power of Authority Spotlight, and CEO/Founder of Performance Publishing Group, a partner publishing company dedicated to making a difference, one story at a time. She’s helped thousands tell their stories and founded the “Book Bound Workshop”. Michelle has published many successful books of her own, including her best-selling Winning In Life Now and her latest The Power of Authority. She is known as "America’s Productivity Coach", is a certified Human Behavior Consultant, and dedicates herself to helping leaders impact the world, using the strengths and talents already within them. She is also a dynamic speaker and has been endorsed by some of the most influential speakers in personal development, including Zig Ziglar, and is a Ziglar Legacy Certified speaker/trainer. 

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