Previous Episode: Just Beyond the Fear
Next Episode: Humility Leads to Action

Annette Thomas has worked in the social care field for over 5 years as a support worker and social worker within mental health settings as well as in the community. She has held various roles in the fashion industry as a supervisor, visual merchandiser and personal stylist. The core values have been helping people reach their goals and expanding their views related to their current circumstances. Her career resulted in her journey in becoming a certified life coach.

Annette Thomas is the founder of Self care culture club an empowerment coaching and personal styling service that serves to empower career minded women to take courage to do what is right for them and know the unrelenting power of their inner voice. Self care culture club was created following her own experiences of enduring destructive relationships, navigating family issues, racial discrimination and colorism that impacted upon her self worth. Also holding onto limiting beliefs that hindered her physical health and career decisions.

Her mission began because she did not want women to experience the anguish she experienced. SCCC offers empowerment coaching and full circle styling services to increase women's confidence, reduce stress, overcome procrastination and encourage them to make empowered decisions that serve them.


To connect with Annette, here are her links:


Email: [email protected]

Shaun T Book Recommendation

Annette just started a podcast called Empowered She that showcases fellow coaches and offers practical tips for listeners to help them make empowered changes in their lives.

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Email: [email protected]