Welcome to the Fill Your Bowl Podcast! I want to inspire you to fill up your bowl in ALL areas of your life. Whether that's spiritually, emotionally, physically, mentally, or financially.

In this episode, we discuss:

- The HPA Axis

- The effects of high cortisol (stress hormone) on the body

- Symptoms of a dysregulated stress response

- Sympathetic (fight or flight) dominance vs. parasympathetic (rest and digest) dominance

- Steps to manage your response to stress

- Steps to calm an overstimulated/overactive nervous system

The book I mention in this podcast is called Do The Work by Nicole LePera. You can find more information on Nicole here: https://theholisticpsychologist.com/. Highly recommend looking into her work!

If you listen to this episode, I would love to hear what you think, so please share and tag me on Insta (or slide into my DMs!) I'd love to connect @fillyourbowl_.

Lots of love

Lauren x