Welcome to the Fill Your Bowl Podcast! I want to inspire you to fill up your bowl in ALL areas of your life. Whether that's spiritually, emotionally, physically, mentally, or financially.

Today I am joined by Harriet Frew aka The Eating Disorder Therapist. In this episode we discuss:

- What are Eating Disorders?

- Common Types of Eating Disorders

- How someone is diagnosed with an Eating Disorder

- How to spot if a loved one is suffering from an Eating Disorder

- Body Image/Body Dysmorphia 

I hope you enjoy today's episode and please know that you should never be on this journey alone. Reach out to someone you can trust and let them know what you've been going through. 

You can find Harriet on her Instagram @the_eating_disorder_therapist or you can go to her website https://www.theeatingdisordertherapist.co.uk/. She also has her own podcast on Spotify called @theeatingdisordertherapist Podcast which I urge you to go and check it out!

My DMs are also ALWAYS open so let's connect on Instagram! You can find me at @fillyourbowl_

