Welcome to the Fill Your Bowl Podcast! I want to inspire you to fill up your bowl in ALL areas of your life. Whether that's spiritually, emotionally, physically, mentally, or financially.

If you are ready to DITCH diet culture for good then this episode is for YOU!! Diet culture is an 80 billion dollar industry and THRIVES off of our insecurities. The next time you're thinking of purchasing that new diet plan, just remember, this is a BUSINESS that wants your ££££. 

If diets were SO amazing, why do we need to keep starting them over and over again?

And trying out different diets thinking we are the problem.

YOU are NOT the PROBLEM!!!

You do NOT lack willpower!!

You are literally set up to fail from the offset.

In this episode I cover:

- What diet culture is

- 5 steps you can take to ditch diet culture mentality and;

- The side effects of diet culture

I hope you enjoy it!!

Let's connect - @fillyourbowl_

