Totally tubular! We make use of our new "tangent pad" to actually take notes on all the side talking we do, (in between talking about the actual films Things To Do In Denver When You're Dead, and Turbo Kid).

Tangents include:

Y2K - (remember when that shut the world down?)

New Bob Odenkirk film "Noboby" - NO SPOILERS

The Return Of The Living Dead franchise & Eric's affinity for "alternative" girls

which segues into Eric's Navy days and living in the barracks and all the weird stuff they had hanging on the walls (and ceiling!)

Eric comes up with a new name for our fans which is on brand for the pod, but we're sure it's not one they'll (you'll) want....

JuiceWorld's untimely passing

The new Mortal Kombat movie - MINOR SPOILERS

The good ol' days where we played the Mortal Kombat video games (and also Nerf basketball league)

And we actually do discuss both movies, so trifle not true hero!

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And while you're at it, if you could rate & review us on your favorite podcast platform, it would be greatly appreciated. Help spread our word to the masses and bring in more fellow Fecal Freaks.....sorry. You uh, obviously don't have to go by that. What WOULD you guys like to be called? Filers? Let us know....

We can probably call all of you by your individual names because we don't that large of a following yet....but help us get there by interacting with us via the above.

Till next time.....toodles!