Wow, just wow this episode. We're sorry in advance. I mean, where even to begin? Dylan was practically near death with apparent food poisoning when we started the pod, so there is lots of discussion about the ailment and the lamentable Little Caesars that caused it. Plenty of further Little Caesars spiraling, so, cross them off the list of potential sponsors going forward....

We finally discuss Shaun Of The Dead and then Singles, with lots of other tangents, laughs, and some very objectionable content along the way. Blame it on Dylan's ailment (which we do)....

Also, add Johnny Depp to the "no longer listening" group (along with Dino Cappacini and Hans Zimmer). We wished you would have made it through the alphabet. 

We hope we don't lose you you, who should be following us on Twitter so you can vote in our polls @FileUnderPod, e-mailing us at [email protected], and while you are at it, please rate and review us on your favorite podcast app. It really helps us to get noticed so we can bring in more future ex-listeners!

Until next time.....stay away from bitter fast food pizza.