Hello from "under" the bus...that'll make sense in the next paragraph.

Dylan suffers from blood loss delirium, which is apparently contagious as Eric suffers a bout of delirium of his own about mid-way through this short episode where we discuss Undercover Brother and Underworld. (See what I did before?)

The "tangent pad" is utilized again, it comes in handy to document the following:

Dylan proposes that Eric has some kind of food related PTSD (burger burglars!)

We workshop plans for what we will do to wrap up season 1 since it's rapidly drawing to a close (unbelievable!)

Eric has to undermine our buddy David from 'Life Is Unfair' about his fear of sharks and Eric's "triggering" Call Of Duty calling card.

Eric's delirium hits full stride as a result of his hellish recent workload and how that is affecting his fragile psyche.

We double back around for yet MORE plans for where the show goes after season 1, with a potential new side cast on the nose called "Side Splitters".

We talk the potential pending release of merchandise for the show. Like, who WOULDN'T want a t-shirt with Dylan's face on it, photoshopped to make it look like his head is a grenade?!?? Part and parcel with this, no new album art this ep. I'll work on it later and upload accordingly.

And oh yeah, we discuss the movies a bit too.

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