Happy International Women’s Day! This year’s motto of International Women’s Day is “Be Bold.”   Which leads to the questions, what does it mean to be truly bold? What would be possible if you were able to unlock 15% more confidence, influence, presence and power- simply put, if you were able to be more bold?


To create incredible transformation in this world, it is important for us to act in bold ways and harness our confidence.


Steps to Being Bold

Make the commitment to your dream/goal/idea Have the courage to take action Break things down so you can actually execute said dream/goal/idea Develop the confidence you need to be bold and implement the actions


My challenge to you

Don’t wait for confidence to take your next steps. Make the commitment to the best version of you and to make the changes you want to make so you can ultimately create the life, career, impact and significance that you desire.


Happy International Women’s Day! This year’s motto of International Women’s Day is “Be Bold.”   Which leads to the questions, what does it mean to be truly bold? What would be possible if you were able to unlock 15% more confidence, influence, presence and power- simply put, if you were able to be more bold?