Bold, confident, self-assured - these are some of the many characteristics of an empowered female entrepreneur. But even these inspiring women cannot escape the inevitability of experiencing unstable and challenging times as a leader. During these turbulent times, many fall into the trap of seeking outside approval while salvaging the situation through willpower alone. Sadly, these leaders end up doing the exact opposite of the very thing they should have done in the first place, which is to insource approval and outsource willpower.

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Today, I share the tool I developed that helps female entrepreneurs of all levels who are going through crises in leadership - insourcing approval and outsourcing willpower. I dive into the negative effects of outsourcing approval and the essential skills you fail to learn when you focus on letting others’ opinions be a defining factor when making decisions. I also share why insourcing willpower is not enough to create the results you want and how you can outsource it, instead, to make sure you have the bandwidth to make the decisions that matter the most.


“When we begin outsourcing approval as a general M.O. in our lives - it creates a crisis of leadership. It becomes an absence of accountability.”- Eleanor Beaton



Today on the Fierce Feminine Leadership Podcast:

The relationship between credibility and approval. How you could be slowing your own progress. What it looks like to outsource approval. Why you may doubt yourself when it’s time to make decisions. How I personally saw and experienced the downside of outsourcing approval and insourcing willpower. A milestone that marked the end of the transference of authority in my life and the start of a new, liberating chapter. How to identify where you’re outsourcing approval. The two things that help you insource approval.


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