As a fierce woman entrepreneur, you are one of the amazing women who contribute to the growth of your industry and community by bringing excellent products and services into the marketplace. To have an even greater impact within your circles, your message needs to be unambiguous and crystal clear. Without this clarity, it is difficult to set you apart from the competition and be viewed as the thought leader you are destined to be.

On this episode, I explain how your business becomes partially paralyzed if your message is not clear. I discuss some content that I will be teaching in my upcoming workshop Your Million Dollar Message that will equip women entrepreneurs on how to outserve, outsell, and out-position their competition with a crystal-clear message. I also share the different human wants to align your message with as well as the next-level messaging secrets that - once mastered and implemented - can take your business off partial paralysis.




“Until your message is clear, your business is operating in a state of partial paralysis.” - Eleanor Beaton




Today on the Fierce Feminine Leadership Podcast:


Possible reasons why your content isn’t getting results The challenges associated with communications and messaging How to gain confidence when communicating with authority and relevance How to separate yourself from the pack What it means to convey a big idea The big mistake small businesses make that deprive them of higher revenue What separates thought leaders from everybody else The importance of looking at the statistics in your industry and how thought leaders utilize them to their advantage Understanding the art of persuasive communication Defining the concept of direct hits and how to do it The eight ‘human wants’ and the significance of understanding them The type of communication that is critical for entrepreneurs



Fierce Leadership Quotes:


“Leadership and communication go hand in hand.” - Eleanor Beaton “Great communicators convey big ideas. They show us promise. They share bold opinions, and they educate us. They give us context.” - Eleanor Beaton “You need to understand and think about what you offer and how it connects to basic human wants.” - Eleanor Beaton






Join Me for Your Million Dollar Message Retreat


Are you ready to outsell and out position your competition this year? To create more impact and generate more revenue and wealth - you need a powerful, clear message that positions you as the preeminent expert in your field.


You need a Million Dollar Message.


So, if you’re ready to supercharge your impact, power up your marketing, get clear on your message, and uplevel your position, join me for Your Million Dollar Message Retreat - the premier 3-day workshop for powerhouse women entrepreneurs.


This workshop is our most intimate workshop yet! You’ll work directly with me and my team to hone your message, improve your marketing materials, and elevate your position as a powerhouse female leader.


To register for the Your Million Dollar Message Retreat 3-Day Workshop, visit


Spots are limited - so grab your tickets today!




Join the Exclusive Incubator Program!


Are you ready to build, leverage, and scale your business to the next level? Ready to maximize your leadership skills and grow your business to 7-figures and beyond? Join our Incubator Program - the 12-month high-octane program that blends leadership strategy, accountability, and business building support to help you propel your business to the next level and increase your earning power. Head over to to learn more about The Incubator Program and submit your application today!




Love the show? Let us know!

Are you a fan of the Fierce Feminine Leadership Podcast? If the tips and interviews we share in each episode have helped you gain the confidence and inspiration to become a better, more powerful leader, head on over to iTunes, subscribe to the show and leave your honest review to let us know! Each month, one lucky podcast reviewer will be selected to receive a free coaching session with me – Eleanor Beaton!

What are you waiting for? Head on over to iTunes, subscribe and leave a review to enter your name into this month’s drawing! 


Own Your Power. Become Preeminent.

Are you struggling to set yourself apart from the competition? Are you ready to target high-value clients that value what you do - and are willing and able to pay for the important, valuable work you do?

Then, fierce one, you need a Category of One Call.

It’s time to scale up your preeminence. It’s time to attract the clients you deserve. It’s time to position yourself and your business in a Category of One.

So if you’re ready to make this year your year; if you’re ready to claim your power and achieve the next level of success - visit to schedule your appointment today!