Michelle Crespi is the Executive Producer of three popular network television shows in Canada - The Marilyn Denis Show, The Social, and Your Morning. Her desire to work in television initially began at a young age. While still attending high school, she took an opportunity to work as an intern at a TV station. As she got older, her love and passion for the television industry grew and enabled her to turn her passion into a highly successful career.

Michelle joins me today to share strategies on how to build a powerhouse career in a competitive industry. She also shares what helped her lead big teams that require her to produce five hours of daily TV., tips for creating excellent content, and her insights on why people show up to your show or event.


“Each job you have -- you’re auditioning for your next role.” - Michelle Crespi


Today on the Fierce Feminine Leadership Podcast:

Tasks and duties of an executive producer A good place to make mistakes in your career How to listen to yourself to shape your success Where having a community of trust will lead you The kind of team you need for the trust thing to work Working long versus working smart Why she intentionally leads by example Her insights on celebrity culture What makes an audience engaged in your content


Michelle’s Advice on Fierce Feminine Leaders:

Always treat people with respect -- you don’t know who’s going to hire you when. Listen deeply to yourself and others. Trust in others and yourself. Give yourself permission to move on from your mistakes and learn from them. Work smart.


Connect with Michelle Crespi:

Michelle Crespi on LinkedIn


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