Whether you realize it or not, business and sports have a lot in common. Playing a sport teaches you how to be a good team member and team leader, but it also teaches you the importance of being comfortable with having possession. Every player on a top performing, top ranking sports team is comfortable with possessing and controlling the ball because they know that one day they could be in a position to make the winning goal.


So, what can we learn from these top performing athletes and teams that can help us become better team members and team leaders in our organizations? On today’s episode, I’m explaining the importance of getting comfortable with “controlling the ball” in your business and organization and how it can help you become a better leader, speaker, and business owner.



“The best leaders are self-possessed.”



Today on the Fierce Feminine Leadership Podcast:


Lessons we can learn from sports athletes to help us become better leaders The importance of getting comfortable with possession Identifying “spotlight masters” and “spotlight amateurs”



My Challenge to You:


Think about your career, your business, your life as a giant soccer field When you have the ball, take a deep breath, trust yourself, and trust your instincts to make the right decision




Love the show? Let us know! 

Are you a fan of the Fierce Feminine Leadership Podcast? If the tips and interviews we share in each episode have helped you gain the confidence and inspiration to become a better, more powerful leader, head on over to iTunes, subscribe to the show and leave your honest review to let us know! Each month, one lucky podcast reviewer will be selected to receive a free coaching session with me – Eleanor Beaton!

What are you waiting for? Head on over to iTunes, subscribe and leave a review to enter your name into this month’s drawing! 



And, if you really want to ramp up your fierceness…

Reach out to us for a free 30-minute Bold Women in Business Makeover Session with me or one of the fabulous coaches on my team!

Explore your path and discover how you can be the fiercest lady-boss possible. Visit EleanorBeaton.com/Discover.



Dial Up Your Impact, Influence, and Income in 2017

Are you ready to take your leadership and influence to the next level in 2018? Join the Impact & Influence Leadership Lab for Women with Eleanor Beaton – the world’s premier leadership training and implementation program designed specifically for female leaders! This is a 8-week mentoring program for professional, ambitious women in business who are ready to take their leadership skills to the next level and truly step into their power. Visit the Leadership Lab for Women website to see all of the amazing content, tools, and services you will receive by registering today to claim your seat at the table!



5 Ways Ambitious Career Women Give Their Power Away at Work Free Training


Are you ready to realize where your power leaks are and how to plug them? Join us for the 90-minute Free Master Class: 5 Ways Ambitious Career Women Give Their Power Away at Work!


You will learn…


5 surprising power leaks that derail the careers of highly ambitious female leaders How to tell if a lack of self-awareness is holding you back from opportunity and threatening your reputation Why so many professional women struggle to transform from being a do-er to being a leader Why the failure to change could keep you overlooked and underpaid Proven strategies to boost your confidence and personal power - even in the most competitive work environments and cultures




A Special Thank You to Our Sponsors                             


This episode was made possible by our wonderful sponsors, BMO – Bank of Montreal – The Bank for Women.                           


Join the conversation at BMO for Women to gain the insight, knowledge, and support you need to succeed and to truly understand how to manage your money! 



Whether you realize it or not, business and sports have a lot in common. Playing a sport teaches you how to be a good team member and team leader, but it also teaches you the importance of being comfortable with having possession. Every player on a top performing, top ranking sports team is comfortable with possessing and controlling the ball because they know that one day they could be in a position to make the winning goal.