What life looked like before I started doing this work & how I started to become who I am todayThe hidden subconscious beliefs that are actually at the core of victim mentalityHow struggling with victim mentality for years manifested in my life & why I finally had to let go of itHow I realized I was in a toxic mindsetSome of the biggest insecurities and shame I’ve had to work through (i.e. feeling like I never fit in, was never good enough, body image)How I uncovered what I was actually seeking by remaining a victim, and how I gave it to myselfExamples of how to work through and heal victim mentality & insecuritiesWhy you can’t criticize yourself or others out of victim mentalityWhy you cannot be in victim mentality and be happy, free and thrive at the same timeWhy you deserve to be happy, free and thriving now

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Welcome to the pod! My name is Eden and I'm a shadow alchemist helping highly sensitive beings liberate their true selves, connect to their personal version of the Divine, and manifest their desires.

On this podcast, we'll explore topics like shadow work and emotional alchemy, I'll share my personal manifestation stories and the journeys of my clients, and we'll hear from experts in the fields of personal development and spirituality.

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