When it comes to getting pregnant have you consider the uterine lining? The uterus is the nest for your developing baby, so it would make sense to consider it wouldn't it?

It’s part of the monitoring process during IVF, so if you are trying to conceive by conventional, non-assisted methods it would make sense wouldn't it?  But what should you consider?

You will know if you have listened to me before that my views on testing are that you shouldn't have to wait so long, that the propose is misleading and actually it is to identify what assisted fertility method you require.

So, the lining is only seen during you ultrasound, but realistically what is being looked at is the structure of the uterus.

In this episode I discuss factors that are important to consider:

Uterus position What your bleed tells you Lower Back Circulation and nerve supply Uterine thickness and the holy triple layer How the IVF lining measurement criteria may be too low

I discuss factors that affect lining, especially when considering a thin lining, and also factors and reference to past clients with endometriosis and the effect of clearing old lining, in fact I talk about this clearing also in terms of the position of the uterus.

Also think of what this part of your body is designed to do, what its role is in getting pregnant.  We spend so long thinking about egg and sperm that we can lose sight of this nest.  The place your embryo will nestle and develop.  I give the analogy of a bird nest, and examples of ow I work with clients, both on a physical and emotional level.

And this emotional level is something I am coming across extremely often.  What are your feelings towards this area of your body, and I refer you to a blog post I wrote, called a letter from your womb.  And when we start to look at how your womb itself may be viewing this situation right now, how it may feel, if that were possible.  How you can start to work together as a team, developing and strengthening that connection.

This is for many a surprising element of our free chat or deep dive call and action plan setting, but it's so incredibly important and is sadly overlooked.  As it really doesn't matter how good a quality the basic ingredients are if you are planting the in un supportive environment.

Mentioned podcasts and resources

A letter from your womb

Pelvic congestion

Endometriosis: a case study

Fertility massage Therapy