Previous Episode: Getting Pregnant Again
Next Episode: Uterine Lining

What you are feeling is real, it can be raw and yes it can be sadness but it can be something so much deeper and its OK that you feel like this.

Whats not OK is that its not recognised enough.

When you set out on this journey, the journey to parenthood, more often that not it starts with hope, excitement even, but over the time this changes, sometimes overtime, sometimes sooner and the emotions vary.

Are you living life in 2 week blocks, or 2x 1 week block and a 2 week block, or other variations? when you get your period, do already know when 9 months ahead is? when you may ovulate, when your next period is due.

is not getting pregnant taking over? Are you thinking about this most of the time?

are you being triggered? the sight of a birth announcement, seeing prams, hearing people complain about their children?

Not getting pregnant and the quest to become parents can be so much deeper than 'sadness' or 'disappointment'.  Its important for you to recognise this, this is hard, this can seen unbearable and you don't have to struggle.  That there is a wider view that you can take and get answers.

I share some insights in this episode and I want you to know that I hear you, I know that as we run up to Christmas this is even harder,