My guest on this episode is Terry Tucker

Terry is a cancer warrior , has been an NCAA Division 1 college basketball player, a Citadel cadet, a marketing executive, a hospital administrator, an undercover narcotics investigator, a SWAT Team Hostage Negotiator, a high school basketball coach, a business owner, a motivational speaker, he is also the author of Sustainable Excellence, Ten Principle To Living Your Uncommon and Extraordinary Life. Terry and his wife have lived all over the United States and currently reside in Colorado with their daughter

He shared details of his diagnosis with a very rare form of melanoma cancer starting with a callus breakout on a foot , he was a basket ball coach constantly on his feet at the time.

He explained that he didn't have any mutations of any of the known cancer genes even though his dad and grandmother died of cancer .

He shared how he had to have a foot amputated but his cancer still spread to his shin bone fracturing his tibia resulting in a leg amputation in the middle of the global pandemic and no one was allowed to be with him .

He shared how the medication he was placed on for five years had horrible side effects on him but didn't work at the end of the day, it only kept the cancer cells at bay for sometime and he now has cancer tumors on his lungs .

He shared how his family friends and faith were able to help him cope throughout his cancer journey.

Terry Tucker's story is truly an inspirational story for anyone living with any form of cancer or living through a tough period, he encourages everyone to be the best version of the person they are capable of becoming ,by doing things outside of their comfort zone

In his words, at the end of your life the things you are going to regret are not the things you did but the things you didn't do.

Terry is passionate about inspiring other people ,his book 'Sustainable Excellence, Ten Principles To Living Your Uncommon and Extraordinary Life has been described as inspirational , entertaining ,a must read and an excellent book to help turn life's tougher experiences into a positive journey .

He shares that he also has his pains ,gets worried , scared and cries but never allows his situation to control him , rather he gets off the ground and focuses on the little wins on a regular basis and somehow those small wins become big wins .

Terry can be reached via his website

on Instagram at

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