Hitesh Tailor talks about his Stage IV Cancer journey .
šŸ†Having four surgical operations in five weeks, whilst going through marriageĀ  breakdown.
šŸ†Losing his job as a Mechanical Engineer whilst he was still recovering from cancer.
šŸ†Finding out the mesh that had been used in his treatment resulted in serious complications for him .
šŸ† How he got healed from his cancer using a combination of lifestyle changes ,medical treatments and the use of emotion coding , a form of energy healing
šŸ† Becoming a professional emotion coding practitioner serving clients across the globe .

šŸ†His case isĀ  part of America and Canada's class action law suit for the use of the mesh.
šŸ†He has been featuredĀ  on Vancouver's largest magazine, Georgia Straight.
šŸ† Hitesh is available on his websiteĀ www.tailoredcoding.com and via instagramĀ 
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