This week’s podcast is a bit different cause it’s off the riff…. Is that even a sentence? Basically, before recording it, I just made like 10 bullet points and started talking with you w/o perfecting my every word in Microsoft Word – which is why it used to take me days to create a podcast.   This podcast took me 20 minutes to do. (Holy shit perfectionism is a time waster. Moving past it is like getting your whole life back. ANYWAYS…I wish I could even write out what this podcast is about…but I don’t have A WORD DOC TO REFERENCE. LOL. Kidding, nevermind. I remember(ish)…If you follow me on Instagram (@spenserbrassard) you would have seen that I went on the most glorious and luxurious trip to Maui. I went to one of the most beautiful hotels in the world -- according to Kathy Hilton. I spammed Instagram with beach and bathing suit photos and IDAGAF. I was that girl. And I learned SO MUCH from going. 90% of my brain was telling not to go. Cause ya know, covid. And honestly, I was afraid of how much work it would be traveling with a toddler. I have also been through a lot lately (I share all of the details inside of the podcast.) But 10% of me like, “Girl, pack your bags and get your ass on that god damn plane.” So I went. And realized that all of my life-changing decisions were outside of my comfort zone. All of my brain bursting AHA moments were because I was uncomfortable as fuck. Every single event that changed the course of my life and fertility journey and led me to magic like my SON… was because I chose to feel safety in discomfort. If you want more context as to what I’m babbling about, please do yourself a favor and listen to the podcast right now.