Today is Mother’s Day. I know you might not feel like you belong, or that you’re included…But trust me when I say: You are 100% worth celebrating today. You have had to do so much more than the average person to bring your baby here. And I commend you for this. I honor every step you have taken and every step you will continue to take. Your persistence is so admirable. Because of this, I am celebrating YOU today NAME. It only felt natural to be in your ear, as I know first-hand that it can be full of emotion. So, I have released a very special Mother’s Day podcast dedicated to you specifically. The mama-in-waiting. The soon-to-be-mama. Or like I love to call you… the mama-bear. The intention is for you to feel included, loved and enough. Because you ARE. My hope is that by the end of this 15-minute podcast, your mind feels a bit clearer, your body a bit lighter and your heart cracked a bit more open to what’s possible for you when you take some time for yourself. Listen now!