Being categorized as a controlling person is not a title that one strives for. And when you’re TTC, you might think it’s the reason why you’re struggling so much. Many of my clients describe themselves as planners and perfectionists who thrive off of being very productive, getting shit done and doing things the “right” way. And honestly, these qualities can be beneficial in life and can help you to create what you want. But what happens, when things don’t come as easily – like making this baby - no matter how hard you try, how hard you try to “perfect” things and how hard you try to control the situation? I’ll speak for myself and the hundreds of clients that I’ve worked with…  it’s incredibly frustrating.  Initially, you might even try to control more. More diet restrictions. More sacrifice. More force. At least this is what I did…Which is a normal and natural tendency when you’re TTC. But what if I told you there IS a way to have a HEALTHY sense of CONTROL over the journey? Sounds liberating. Sounds exciting. Sounds fucking amazing, right? Wanting control isn’t a bad thing. It’s just learning where you have it and how to use it. This is exactly what we’re going to talk about in this week’s brand new podcast. We’re chatting all about: How to gain a healthy sense of control over your fertility journey. Listen now!