How many times have you tried to change things up while on your fertility journey? You tried to change your diet. From real bread to gluten-free. You tried to change your stress levels. From wine o’clock to a quick 5-minute meditation. You tried to change your mind. From “I can’t do this.” to “I can do this.” All in the hopes that these well-intentioned changes will stick and move the needle towards finally getting pregnant. But maybe a week (or two) later, you find yourself back to your old gluten-full-wine-please-I-can’t-do-this pattern. What the actual fuck, right? Not only are you pissed that the changes didn’t stick, but the next time you get your period, you blame yourself that you didn’t do enough. I was on this ride for years. Hopes high. Changes made. Motivation and belief dwindles. Period comes… Shame. I got off of the cycle and finally got pregnant, by learning how to create real, sustainable, tangible change. So this week’s podcast is about, how to create change. Do you even think it’s possible for you? Why does it feel so gosh darn difficult? And what it’s gonna take/what changes do you have to make to finally move the needle? It’s wild, but as much as you consciously want to change your life to create your baby, research shows that you may be subconsciously resisting it. Learn why and listen to this week’s 20 min. podcast now.