How many times have you worried about thinking the “right” thoughts, eating the “right” foods, and acting the “right” way? If you’re like me, you’ve spent an unfortunate amount of time here. It’s unfortunate – because my answer to this question is: Are you making the “right” decisions ACCORDING TO WHO? WHO has your monkey mind conjured up as being this almighty power, judging and evaluating your every move? WHO do you imagine is screaming HOTTTERRRR or COLLLLDDDEERRR to you, as you decide what to make for dinner tonight? WHO are you giving all of this power to? Well… Check out 2020’s FIRST Fertile Ground Podcast here to get really clear on this question: How to know if you’re making the right decisions on the journey to your baby. It’s about time you see and realize that there actually is someone who has all the answers. But you gotta listen to the podcast to find out.