One of the biggest triggers my client’s face are pregnancy announcements. On our coaching calls, it goes something like, “I want to be happy for them. And I am!  Really Spenser…I am. But I can’t help but feel jealous and more alone than ever.” And without awareness. Without mind-body work… these announcements can make you feel like a human punching bag while on the journey to your baby. It can take you from love, confidence and trust -> to feeling like a popped, deflated, wrinkled up balloon, in T-minus 2 seconds. As a Life Coach, I see these kind of “triggers” or “set-backs” as opportunities for change and transformation. In fact, I like to think of triggers as the Universe shining a flashlight on these events, as an answer to your prayers. So, in today’s brand new podcast – we’re going to explore the trigger of comparison. And mama-bear, it’s magic. Because what comparison is, is basically a huge set of lies. You have a choice on whether or not you want your fertility journey to be run by these lies – or trade them in for a set of TRUTHS to make your mind and body feel more ready than EVER to make your baby. Gone are the days where you are over-taken for days, weeks or even months by someone else’s pregnancy announcement. There is a way through it. Listen now!