Let’s say hypothetically, you’re a luxury car enthusiast (maybe you are, even better!) And you have decided to invest a lot of your time, money and energy into a hot, opulent car. Let’s say it’s a brand new Bentley SUV. Imagine yourself rolling up to a gas station to fill this baby up. The sun is shining, the sunroof open, Dua Lipa is serenading you and the luxury is exuding from every inch of this sexy vehicle AND THEN...… you fill that gorgeous vehicle up.. With REGULAR GAS. You forgo the premium fuel that this seductive girl needs to run smoothly and with ease. It makes no sense. This vehicle is worth a lot (Starting at $167K USD). Why would you risk all this luxury with shitty fuel? You would NEVER. Right? So why the hell do we do this to OURSELVES? We invest so much time, money and energy into all the action inside of the fertility journey. The organic food, the high-end vitamins, the expensive treatments, the endless acupuncture/naturopath appts. But the fuel… the mindset.. the headspace we’re in while we “do the things”... The fuel (mindset/energy) inside of our action is like.. “K let’s get this over with so I can move onto the next thing.” There’s no life in the action. No space. No choice. No lux vibe. No joy. And this very often leads to burnout. Everything…  is just a means to an end.  But today, we’re changing this regular-ass gas and filling up your fertility journey with the PREMIUM fuel like the bentley queen you are️  Why? Contrary to popular cultural bull shit belief, the vibe inside of your action 100% influences the outcome. And this is GOOD NEWS. Cause it’s a great fucking excuse to make everyday to your baby and BEYOND… feel joyful. Luxurious. And like you really do have a choice and a healthy sense of control of your life.  Listen now!