Was there ever a point in your fertility journey when someone said: “Stop being so sensitive!” “You’re too emotional.” “Let it go. It’s no big deal.” Or when someone dares to tell you to, “Just relax! Calm down.” As much as we might wanna sucker punch whoever has the balls to say it to our face, what do we usually do? We suck it up. We keep it in. We oppress the sting. We internalize the message. “Maybe I am too sensitive? Shit… something must be wrong with me. My feelings aren’t normal. I shouldn’t be feeling this way.” The way I see it, there are 2 ways of responding: 1. With shame and hiding. This sits heavy on the mind and body. 2. With self-trust and inner-validation. This restores energy in the mind and body. PLEASE HEAR ME WHEN I SAY: For 100’s of years, our ancestors were literally burned at the stake for standing up for what they believed it. It is only recently that women are ALLOWED to express our truths. Allowed to push back. Allowed to say no. Allowed to have our needs met and received. The process of unshaming, is healing your ancestral trauma AT THE CORE. It makes sense that this is part of the fertility journey. It makes sense that the shame gets cleared before the next generation comes through. I was inspired to record a podcast on this and I recorded it off the cuff. It’s really raw. I hope you feel something freeing when you listen to it. There is something so liberating to know that you’re not only on this journey for you, but for all the women that came for you. Your ancestors are so proud of you. Listen now!