I have met so many smart women, and have been one myself, who can show up strong and capable in their work, and for their friends and family, and even appear to be happy and physically healthy, but when it comes to their relationships, the make unhealthy, sabotaging sometimes even toxic choices for themselves. 

Why do we stay in and choose unhealthy relationships? 

Why do smart people who are successful at work, good people to their families and friends struggle when it comes to their love life?
Why does a person keep making the same bad choices and mistakes in who they choose as romantic partners or friends?

The short answer - at the root of all relationship settling, self sacrifice and self sabotage is a lack of self love. 

I know this because I've lived it, watched too many friends go through it and watch their children make the same mistakes. We get trained in math and reading, but not in love and relationship, which has so much more of an impact on how our lives turn out, yes?

I wrote my first book Choosing ME Before WE, left my corporate job and founded the Path of Self Love School because this wisdom it not being taught or lived and too many women, girls, men and boys suffer because of it. 

Nothing will derail the success and wellness, and our capacity to be  leaders than unhealthy, toxic relationships. 

Whether you are currently struggling in your relationships (or lack of) or someone you love is or you have children or young people you influence, join me...

Christine Arylo, for this Feminine Power Time: 
Why Smart Women Choose Bad Relationships: Stop Settling, Sacrificing and Sabotaging Yourself for Love.
It's part 1 in a 3 part series I'm calling A Summer of Love :)

Here's what we will dive into:

Why do smart women and men choose harmful relationships, or settle and sacrifice themselves for love? What does a lack of self love look like in a relationship and how do you know you are lacking it? Love Cracks - the unconscious holes in our heart we stuff other people into  Self Honesty - why we run from it and why it's the first step to freedom and creating the relationships we desire  Self Respect and Honor - how we strengthen this so we only have relationships that respect and honor us.

There is so much to share! 

If you'd like to dive in deeper:

1. Join me for the annual Choosing ME Before WE summer of self love practice - start anytime in July - www.ChoosingMEbeforeWe.com

2. Check out the Choosing ME Before WE Book - www.theselflovebooks.com 

If you would like to teach self love or guide others in self love, consider joining our Self Love Guide training which starts in September www.SelfLoveGuides.com