When we lose a relationship with a person we once loved and cared for - be it a friend, a beloved, a relative - it hurts. From death to divorces, breakups with romantic partners or friends, our hearts suffer, they 'break open' because of this loss. And we stand at a choice point: will we use this change as a catalyst to open our hearts to more love and to become even stronger and more fully expressed and empowered beings... or we will we close off, contract, protect or stuff down the feelings and so have to keep receiving the spiritual curriculum again and again?

In the 2nd of our 3 part series on Relationship and Self Love, join me Christine Arylo for this Feminine Power Time: "Transforming Relationship Heartbreak into Personal Catalysts" I've invited a special  guest, Kristine Carlson, NY Times Best Selling Author of the new book, From Heartbreak to Wholeness.

A dear friend who is also a true wisdom teacher and woman who has lived what she shares, Kris and I invite you for this intimate conversation and a deep dive into how in the midst of relationship heartbreak and change, you can:

Work with your relationship changes, challenges and loss as catalyst for your spiritual and personal growth - and not miss the gift the grief, loss and change has to give you. It sounds trite, but this is REALLY super power if you understand how to work with the grief. 

Support yourself to move through the physical and emotional stress - so you can stay strong and stay present through the shift. We have to move the stress and emotion through our bodies, but how and what does that mean?

Heal, feel with your heart through this without getting dragged into the  - how do you stay present to the feelings and emotions and also not have your whole life and mind taken over by the loss of this relationship? 

Learn more about YOU and what you desire, who you are and what your soul is calling you towards - how do you desire to use this catalyst to co-create the next phase of your life from a place of self love and self empowerment? 

Use this catalyst to become more whole within yourself and strengthen your 'sovereignty' - so the relationships you choose going forward come from your wholeness not your woundedness and so you really meet the curriculum of your spiritual path through this relationship.  

To get a copy of Kris' new book: From Heartbreak to Wholeness: The Hero's Journey to Joy - you can get it on Amazon.com here. 

To download the Soul Mantra meditations from Kristine Carlson go to www.FromHeartbreaktoWholeness.com

To go deeper on your self love and relationship journey, learn more about the Choosing ME Before WE 40-day practice at www.ChoosingMEBeforeWe.com