YOU DESERVE TO BE AND FEEL SUPPORTED... press pause on the outside world and let's get you the support you need (it's not weak to need support, it's stupid not to know what you need and ask for it and then use your Feminine Power to co-create it.) 

Reality: Women operate like banks who only give withdrawls -we give and give support but we don't RECEIVE the support we need, in our work and families to keep us healthy and well taken care of. Then we get sick or frustrated, feel exhausted and overwhelmed and begin to resent the things we love the most. And the hard truth is, we do it to ourselves.

Hard Truth: We don't ask for the support we NEED and REQUIRE. Instead we sacrifice ourselves and our health, we sabotage ourselves, and we settle - and this is so not self loving or feminine power. 

In this week's Feminine Power Time, I, Christine Arylo, invite you to join me and women and good men around the world to take a stand for getting the support you need so you can FEEL and BE supported in your work, your relationships and your health, wealth and home. Dive in with me as we explore:

The signs that you are NOT getting the support you really do NEED - feeling stretched, stressed, stuck?  Why it's so hard to receive the support you need - and why the reasons you think are not the reasons you're blocking the support  The faulty programming we've been imprinted with that makes you believe you should be able to figure things out on your own, and why that keeps you from your heart and souls desires Your life now - tap into your inner wisdom to illuminate where you are not supported now... and what is needed to feel supported   How your brain can sabotage you to stay stuck and stressed in not feeling supported Feminine Wisdom for getting support when money and time feel lean

Go deeper into how to Stay Strong and True To Yourself in Uncertain & Intense Times - attend this free Feminine Wisdom Session with Christine Arylo - RSVP 

Take a Wisdom Quest - 4 days to tap in and illuminate the path ahead - Fall 2017 - details here.

Path of Self Love Training & Certification Program - Reforming Inner Mean Girls. Empowering the Inner Wisdom.