You have the power to change this world and change the systems that you work and live by how and who you show up as, and how you choose to design your life, lead your team, family, business, organization... You have the power to change the things in your life that cause unhealthy and unnecessary pressure. You don't have to accept that 'this is just how things are."

You just need to know how to access and activate the power within you that stems from the depths of your internal feminine wisdom. 

Which is why in this Feminine Power Time, the #4 in our Feminine Wisdom Series, we are diving deep into the feminine wisdom super power of "Harmonic Defiance: The Power to Make Shift Happen, the Feminine Way." 

Harmonic Defiance is:

The power to make shift happen by choosing to design your life and lead your work, team, family, organization, business, in ways that cultivate harmony, to speak up and question that which does not support sustainability and humanity. And then with that feminine power activated, you dare to do things differently.

You are going to love learning about this and applying it directly to your life right now. 

Tune in with me, Christine Arylo, women's leadership advisor, as we explore:

“What is Harmonic Defiance and Why Do I Need it As a Leader in my Life, Work and Family?"  How you can make different choices in how you lead and create that lead to a reality that supports you, if you have the courage to do things differently - in everything from your work, to parenting, to money and healthcare. The ways we lead or try to make change that exhaust us, disempower us or make us want to give up - and a different way to approach having the impact you desire to have in your work, family, life, community.   Cultivating a "field of harmony" within yourself that has the power to shift relationships and situations on the outside - seriously how can you create harmonious realities out there if you are not feeling harmonious on the inside?  "The Pressure Release and Redesign" Power Pause - one of my most powerful tools for releasing the unnecessary pressures that get in the way of you showing up as the most powerful centered presence you can be Finding your part in this bigger elevation and shift that's happening ... so you don't have to take it all on, and so you feel the truth that you are part of something bigger!


To join Christine in person at her Feminine Wisdom Weekend this fall, go to 

To learn more about the 3-month personal transformation program, Reform Your Inner Mean Girl, Empower Your Inner Wisdom - it's like rehab for your inner critic and super hero training for your inner wisdom go to