We live in a time when you just can't plan out your life 3, 5, 10 years in advance and then follow 'the plan' - although our minds and desires for safety would love that. We live in a time when the world is changing fast, and we are each being 'called up' to new sacred assignments, ways of living and working that our soul signed up for.

These 'soul stretches' and catalysts are calling for us each to step out of comfort zones and step into into a zone where we often can't see how it will work out, how it can work out and if it will work out.

This is where the Feminine Wisdom teaching - the feminine super power of Stepping in the Unknown comes in. It's a different way of operating that most of us were not taught, but it is a REAL thing. In this Feminine Power Time, Stepping in the Unknown with Courage and Clarity to Chart the Path Ahead: Planning the Feminine Wisdom Way, the 3rd in our series on Feminine Wisdom, I'll share the wisdom teaching on Stepping in the Unknown. And make it personal for you so you can work with it and can step through the changes coming with grace and courage, feeling and being supported, including:

Why the way we've been trained to plan and strategize and create goals won't work - and an elevated, wiser way to approach creating your work, life, relationships that does
  Wisdom about your Soul Codex  - what it is, how it to activate, access and align with it so you can access the wisdom needed to chart your path ahead and find you way 

How you can find your way through the uncertainty and unknown - so you don't get lost in the dark or get scared and turn back or move too fast or stretch too far and screw yourself up 

How to create a 'path' for crossing whatever threshold your soul is calling you into - there is a wise way and a stupid way to make changes :) 

Stories about how I've navigated the unknown to make choices from courage, and worked with other women to cross thresholds - there is wisdom to tell us how to "do" this differently

Personal reflection and meditation on your current threshold crossings - so we can make sure you don't try and straddle the grand canyon or get lost in the wilderness

If you missed the previous Feminine Wisdom Series episodes, #68 on Intuitive Attunement & #67 on Synchronicity with guest Nilima Bhat from Shakti Leadership, tune in! 

To join me this fall at the Discover Your Feminine Wisdom weekend workshop in San Francisco go to www.FeminineWisdomRetreat.com

To learn more about working with the two inner forces within women and girls - the inner wisdom and the inner mean girl -- through the Path of Self Love Training and Certificate program or the 3-month personal Reform Your Inner Mean Girl. Empower Your Inner Wisdom transformational program go to www.PathofSelfLove.org