Previous Episode: Whataboutery
Next Episode: Listomania

This week,not unexpectedly, we focus most of the podcast on the appearance of Nicola Sturgeon and Alex Salmond at the Holyrood inquiry into the Scottish Government's mishandling of harassment complaints against the former First Minister. 
Both of us faced the prospect of listening to these two heavyweights of Scottish, and indeed UK, politics slugging it out with a fair degree of trepidation in terms of what their evidence would mean to the cause of independence.
It's fair to say that we both, like Nicola Sturgeon, seemed to have through the experience relatively unscathed. 

We also look at yesterday's budget and what it signals about post Covid, post Brexit UK.

The election of Anas Sarwar as leader of Scottish Labour leader and what it says, not just about the centrist drift of UK Labour , and SCottish Labour's now implacable opposition to indyref2, but also about the capture of all mainstream political parties by  non working class, professional politicians.

Along the way, in addition to your learning a fine Dundee phrase, there are passing references to grandkids, Irish nonsense songs, and the Wiggles.