Previous Episode: Bring it on
Next Episode: Let the sun shine in

We begin with the behaviour of Rangers fans after their team won the league on Sunday, the police response,and the reaction/non reaction of the club to the blatant flouting of the Covid regulations.
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex's well trailed interview with Oprah Winfrey aired in the UK last night. Two self confessed republicans try to make sense of the whole thing and consider the role of the monarchy as the foundation of a fundamentally unfair society.
The Holyrood elections in May are being seen, yet again, as a test of support for independence , and an opportunity to put pressure on Boris Johnson over indyref2. Key to all this seems to now be not just a pro independence majority in the Scottish Parliament but the SNP securing an overall majority on its own.
We try to unravel the complications of how to navigate the vagaries of the Additional Member  voting system

Finally we talk about International Women's Day from both a personal and political perspective with, not unexpectedly, a focus on the drive towards Scottish independence.