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As we wait to find out if Alex Salmond will finally appear before the Holyrood Committee we reflect on the what might have beens for the SNP and the broader Yes movement if the Salmond Sturgeon rift had not opened up.

Matt Hancock has been all over the media the past few days trying to gloss over the court decision that he acted unlawfully. How successful has his whitewash been?

Boris Johnson has pinned his hopes fairly and squarely on a Covid mitigation strategy .Will the Scottish government go with Zero Covid as its aim or will Scotland be dragged, once again, down what appears to be a risky whole UK path?

The Queen's recent successful appeal to have Balmoral's rates reduced leads us to reflect not only on the inadequacy and unfairness of the current system of both domestic and non domestic property taxation but also the role  of the monarchy in a modern democracy.