Content warnings: Violence and death

One brass and wax blunderbuss of mortal make, enchanted by goblin cunning to fire cantankerous and rather deadly hornets (Received by Cove, Steward of Scissures, on the 42nd day of Mud Season)

One mirror, sans reflection. Otherwise unremarkable. (Received by Cove, Steward of Scissures, on the occasion of Gildebrand’s three-thousandth birthday)

A trio of eggs, laid by a rooster stolen from the menagerie of the mortal Queen Isabella I of Spain. Containing variously the following:
• A sprightly and sweeping spring breeze
• A wicked and unquenchable fire
• An inalienable right to usurp the throne of Castile
(Received by Cove, Steward of Scissures, on the 36th day of Spring)

A bone harp, strung with a selkie’s hair and carved from her beloved’s ribs. Plays itself beautifully, and allegedly foretells how listeners will die. (Received by Cove, Steward of Scissures, on the 3rd day of Winter)

Joy, the magic thereof. (Received by Meg Pie, Steward of Underfoot, on the 102nd day of High Summer)

As the Circus Under the Hills moves on, Esmeralda Cortada has satisfaction and makes a change, Fimbly Dun returns something precious and offers some advice, and Tingley Grimbles gives an apology and falls apart.

Follow the show (@FeelingsFirst_)

Hosted by Luke (@wildwoodsgames)

Starring Ashley (@DrAshleyNova), Gwen (@waspfloss), and Finbar (@FinbarDS)

Edited by Finbar.

Cover art by Eric Vulgaris (@EricVulgaris)

Under Hollow Hills by Meguey Baker (@NightSkyGames) and Vincent Baker (@lumpleygames), and available at

Music - Origo Vitae by Dan-O (
Licensed under Creative Commons (Attribution Waived with Donation) 4.0