CW Bullying, shapeshifting, threats, violence.

Faerie is a land built upon metaphor and symbol. The world is both stage and oyster; night is a curtain and fortune a sea of well-armed troubles. People die for curiosity, and words cut deeper than knives. Promises are heavier than chains, obligations less gentle and still more binding, and insults are blank cheques inviting untold catastrophe.

In such a place, wordplay is a dangerous game to play. “Deliver all magic unto the regent”, read the laws of Gildebrand’s Hollow.

Can the Circus Under the Hills deliver the magic of joy as promised?

It’s showtime at Gildebrand’s Hollow. Esmerelda Cortada offers reconciliation and seeks revenge, Fimbly Dunn gives a beautiful gift and explains (at some length) its significance, and Tingley Grimbles goes to work.

Follow the show (@FeelingsFirst_)

Hosted by Luke (@wildwoodsgames)

Starring Ashley (@DrAshleyNova), Gwen (@waspfloss), and Finbar (@FinbarDS)

Edited by Finbar.

Cover art by Eric Vulgaris (@EricVulgaris)

Under Hollow Hills by Meguey Baker (@NightSkyGames) and Vincent Baker (@lumpleygames), and available at

Music - Origo Vitae by Dan-O (
Licensed under Creative Commons (Attribution Waived with Donation) 4.0