The Grand Chandlery is a place of quiet diligence and perfected craft. Lowly lumens tend the fires that melt the comb, proud artisans produce pillar after perfect pale pillar, and the herbalists grind spices and steep dyes to make the elaborate royal candles for which the Chandlery is known.

But there is a buzz in the air tonight: hushed distraction and whispered excitement in each soft-edged pool of friendly candlelight. For some, the circus offers diversion from the monotony of a thankless job. For others, it brings nothing but disruption and displeasure.

But for most, the Circus Under the Hills promises relief: irreverent where they are mannered, free where they are closely watched, and above all raucous where they are small and silent.

Follow the show (@FeelingsFirst_)

Hosted by Luke (@wildwoodsgames)

Starring Ashley (@Ashley_Nova_), Gwen (@waspfloss), and Finbar (@FinbarDS)

Edited by Finbar.

Cover art by Eric Vulgaris (@EricVulgaris)

Under Hollow Hills by Meguey Baker (@NightSkyGames) and Vincent Baker (@lumpleygames), and available at

Music - Origo Vitae by Dan-O (
Licensed under Creative Commons (Attribution Waived with Donation) 4.0