As part of Malika's 5 points to being a Spiritual Shining Star, we explore the third point, Answering The (Inner) Call.

This step is so important, Malika named the entire podcast after it. As a matter of fact, this podcast was a call. Calls are an invitation to exercise faith and courage. This episode includes a personal story & example of another instance of Answering The Call.

Benefits to answsering calls include aliveness, being of service, getting unstuck, saving time, building confidence, and much more.

Want to take a deeper dive to be able to identify calls that show up in your life at your own pace? Reap the benefits and save the time it took Malika over 5+ years to learn the hard way. Get the online course:

Are you feeling stuck and need support to answer a call showing up in your life? Schedule a 35 min consult with Malika: