Previous Episode: Welcome to the party . . .
Next Episode: Do you dress for you?

Are you the person everyone else wants you to be? Are you speaking your truth? Are you showing up in your life the way you desire to? Yep, I’ve been there too. I’ve been at that spot where I have tried something the same way over and over again but nothing in front of me changes. I’ve been the girl who keeps quiet to not ruffle feathers.  One day I woke up and said, no more . . . there must be another way! And that way is to GET BARE and STRIP IT DOWN!

You will be hearing me say Let’s Get Bare a lot on this podcast and today we chat about exactly what stripping it down actually looks like. There are daily opportunities for you to strip it down and get real with yourself and those around you and it’s about time we start leaning into them.

In today’s episode I share 5 things I am bringing into the last year of my 20’s and really solidifying before I am 30. These little life nuggets are a must listen! This is JUST the start of our journey together so buckle up and enjoy the ride! 

You  have been told how to do things your whole life; whether this is from your parents, from society telling you that you  need a 9-5 to be successful, the social groups you are part of and trying to fit in, your partner and even the woman beside you that you are comparing yourSelf to.

Have you ever stopped to ask if all of those ways you were told to do things are actually serving you?

Have you stopped and checked in to see if it’s time to strip down your old way of doing things and get really bare to rebuild?

That’s what getting bare is all about. Getting bare means getting down and dirty with yourSelf and really being honest about how you’re feeling.

Getting bare means feeling your WHOLE range of emotions without worrying about what others think

Getting bare is asks you to step up and show up as your most authentic Self in all areas of your life.

Now how do we do this… well you’re going to have to listen to find out ;)

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