Do you have a lack mentality? No judgsies, I’ve been there. When I first heard the term ‘lack mindset or mentality’ I thought, I don’t have that. I said this before I even knew what it meant. I was so sure I couldn’t have anything with the word ‘lack’ in it that my ego brushed it off and on I went with my day. Years later I signed up for an ‘Activate your Wealthy Mind’ course and learned I had a long way to go and holy did I ever live in the realm of lack.

A lack mentality/ mindset is the idea that there isn’t enough to go around. For what to go around, well that could be anything from clothes to food to resources to money. It’s this corner of the brain that lives in constant scarcity and fear of there not being enough. This scarcity mindset was very active in all areas in my life but mainly MY CLOSET. I lived with the very real feeling of needing more. Whatever pieces I had just weren’t enough. Every event I went to, I needed a new dress because what if ‘they’ saw me wearing an outfit for a second time. Every season I needed new colours and pieces because what if ‘they’ just never made those pieces again. It’s a fear that lives deeply in a lot of us. 

So how do you know you know if you live in the realm of scarcity? 

For one, how often do you shop and do you even wear the pieces you buy. I started to notice that I was shopping faster and more than I could even wear the clothes. Every season I found mySelf hauling away big garbage bags of pieces I never even touched but at the time I absolutely just needed. THIS is a scarcity mindset. Do you save your favourite pieces of clothing to only wear on special occasions? THIS is a scarcity mindset. When you buy the yummiest groceries do you stretch out your favourite items to savour every last piece or maybe you don’t eat them at all until you really want to. THIS is a scarcity mindset. Do you buy lottery tickets but don't believe you will ever win? THIS is a scarcity mindset. Do you go to the ATM but there’s no way you’re going to grab a receipt or check your balance? THIS is a scarcity mindset. Do you think you will always be picked last for a sports team before even giving it a shot? THIS is a scarcity mindset. Have you ever stolen something in your life? THIS is a scarcity mindset. The list could go on. 

Where else might this show up in your life . . . 

This could also show up with people and places. Do you often have the fear of missing out on an event with your friends or family but you have something else super exciting going on? THIS is a scarcity mindset. Do you ever feel annoyed when someone you see is going to a place you want to . . . like that country or place won’t ever exist ever again for you to go to? THIS is scarcity mindset. Do you watch people you admire on social media and think that could never be more OR why are they doing that to something you might not do? THIS is a scarcity mindset. Do you ever feel your parents love your siblings or someone else more than you? THIS is a scarcity mindset. Why them, not me? SCARCITY MINDSET. Anytime you feel jealousy of something someone else has or something you’re not receiving, scarcity mindset. I’m not going to lie, this lives in majority of the planet to some degree or another and the only way we can start to dissolve this mindset is to start acknowledging what WE DO HAVE. 

Baby steps to activate your wealthy mind . . . 

We start to activate our wealthy mind when we become more present with all the goodness we have right in front of us. It sounds simple, yes? Well, it is. I know because I’ve been there. I’ve been so scared there wasn’t enough to go around in EVERY aspect of my life and now I am on the other side. SO if I can do it, YOU can definitely do it too… ask my mom, the one who thought I would be in debt forever lol. Now I am not saying this is going to happen overnight because odds are you’ve been working with these thought patterns for years but step number one is to begin to notice. Begin to notice when you feel you need more. Why are you craving more? This could be food, clothes, money, you name it. Instead of choosing to give into the lack mentality where can you shift to gratitude. Gratitude is the integral foundation of an activated wealthy mind. Think about it, if you can’t recognize what abundance you already have in front of you, HOW THE HECK are you going to call in more? The universe is gonna say, NOPE, you don’t even see what you already have, sorry, you’re not ready for more. 

So baby step number one, what abundance do you already have right in front of you. This may look like redefining what abundance means to you; a drive home in the rain, your weekly pay cheque, a hug from a friend. THIS is where the shift begins. 

Now ladies, I think it’s time we all start to activate our wealthy mind together. We can do this by celebrating each others wins as well as our own. We can do this by showing gratitude for our lives and what we have in them, every single day. Let me tell you, there is more than enough of everything to go around the world, it’s just time we wake up to that. I know, I know you may roll your eyes but really, there is. Money is an energetic currency that will continue to move in and out of our lives forever. An activated wealthy mind begins deeper than money. I have trust that we are ALL ready to step out of scarcity mindset together. And like I said, if I can do it, you sure frickin can too! Head on over to The Iner Her Podcast to catch some additional daily tips you can start to add to your routine to begin the shift from scarcity → wealthy. 

Tune in weekly on Monday's for new episodes; solo + interview style. 

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