Are you filling all of your life buckets? I mean really. Do you know how many life buckets you should be filling? I didn’t either until I had no choice. I got to a point in my life I felt stuck. I couldn’t make it further in my career, my relationship was on the rocks, I wasn’t moving my body for me and I was essentially burning out day by day. There was a point that I had enough and decided to ask for help. 

What I learned was how I was scheduling my time was just all wrong. On my first session with an Ayurvedic Practitioner, to this day my secret angel, she asked me to bring my agenda… so I did. When we opened it I saw her face understand the problem. She asked me, “why do you only schedule work and work-outs?” I didn’t know what she meant; isn’t this what all women’s agenda’s look like? What I learnt was a big HECK NO. Think about it, does the Work-Life-Balance really make sense. The answer NO. Life/Balance makes way more sense. I see you shaking your head and I get it. I've been there but let’s have a little chat about the buckets. The life buckets are the secret sauce that came along with me finding more balance in my life and coming back into alignment with well, ME. 

There are seven essential life buckets that NEED to be filled on the regular for all women. Without attention, care and love in each of these spots in our lives we are left feeling stuck, not enough or questioning ‘is this it’? Sound familiar? When I began to integrate these pieces into my life I was able to feel whole again. No questioning, no burn-out and the best LIFE BALANCE for me. So grab your agendas and let’s dive in! 



Fruitful Foundation 


Okay ladies, are you scared to open your bank account of fear of the lack? Are you eating the food you desire? Does your house feel like home? It’s important we take time to create a solid foundation in our life in these ways so that we feel safe and confident to move into the other layers of our lives. It’s integral that we become best friends with our bank accounts and celebrate all money that comes in and out. Your home should feel like your home and cozy and safe. And the food you’re eating should be leaving you feeling like a queen. Are all of the above checked off for you?


Care for Creativity 


Every single woman needs a creative outlet. This outlet will look different in everyone. This outlet could look like a more traditional creative art like singing, painting or crafting or it could look completely different. It could look like creating a family, a business or even cooking! Do you have a creative outlet that you can get lost in?


Mindful Movement 


Are you moving your body mindfully? This means asking your body every single day what it needs and listening. This means even when you feel you need the power yoga class but your body is asking for yin, you listen. Get honest with yourSelf and begin to treat your body like your best friend. How will you move or not move your body mindfully today? 


Relatable Relationships


Are you taking time out of your busy schedule to have time with your loved ones? It is so important that we relate with other people outside of work and the other hustle in our lives. This includes yourSelf. Are you regularly checking in with yourSelf to be able to pivot if needed to continue to support your greater life vision? 




What is your purpose? Are you able to play at work? Power comes in your career or job when you are able to play at work. Your purpose is not meant to be stiff and rigid, it comes easily with laughter and this is where the true power lies. Ask yourSelf, even if you are not at your end goal, are you able to play at work? Are you able to bring a bit of your sparkle into your career to fully step into your power? 


The Sexy Sensual Self


Do you feel sexy? Are you taking time out of your week to spend time with yourSelf and ensure you feel sensual in whatever way this looks like for you? Sexy doesn’t need to look the same on all of us but it is our responsibility to help our body feel this. This could look like a bath with essential oils, alone time (wink wink) or even putting on your favourite fancy dress and dancing around your house. What makes YOU feel sexy? 


Jive with Joy


This is the most important one of them all . . . are you feeling joy regularly? Are you tuning into what brings you joy. I mean TRUE, down to the bone joy? I promise you if you begin to schedule in free time to let yourSelf do anything you want to feel joy, the energetics of your life will shift drastically. 


The day I decided to fill all my buckets, was the day I stepped into my power. We have been taught to attach all of the above to our work but that is not what life is about. The more you are able to invite the buckets into your weekly routine, the more whole you will feel. You will find that ‘is this it’ question start to dissolve and your life will feel like you are living in colour again. This will take time because if you’re like me, I was using my agenda all ‘wrong’ for years. Be patient with yourSelf and each time you do the thing that feels weird, the less weird it will feel. Tune-in to YOU and your power will follow.

Tune in for today’s episode to really dive into each bucket and see why they are SO important in your growth. 

Tune in weekly on Monday's for new episodes; solo + interview style. 

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