Need to Balance Your Energy? You Might Want to Try a Reiki Session with Roy and Terry

Part of our journey also includes being in a better mindset. We both feel it is an important change in order to change other things like eating healthy and more consistent exercise. We tried our first experience with Reiki. It was the first time for us both and we had quite a memorable experience. In a future episode, we will have Peyton our Reiki practitioner on to talk more in-depth.

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About Roy and Terry

After years of weight, health and fitness challenges, Roy Barker and Terry Mallozzi made a commitment to changing their eating habits and implementing realistic fitness goals for them. They chronicle their journey for health on the Feeding Fatty Podcast speaking to experts about related aspects of health challenges (type 2 diabetes, hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism) losing weight (need to) and staying positive (easier said than done). Little did they know it’s not just counting calories and cutting out sweets.

Full Transcript

Roy - Feeding Fatty - Need to Balance Your Energy? You Might Want to Try a Rieke Session (00:14):

Hello, and welcome to another episode of feeding fatty. This is Roy. This is Terry. So we are the podcast. That's chronicling our journey through. Um, they're trying to get healthy, uh, which includes changing some eating habits, as well as, uh, you know, getting a better exercise pattern, but we've also been trying some, um, you know, some different things that we'd like to share. I think today we want to talk about, and I'm gonna let you say it since I, I definitely have a trouble pronouncing pronouncement. It's right. Reiki. I call it Riki, but that's, you don't lose that. Somebody said, at least we know you're from Fort worth the way you say it like that. But anyway, uh, we just both went and experienced our first, uh, I've been once and Terry's actually been twice. So we're just going to talk about that for, uh, you know, a few minutes. And, uh, it was interesting. I don't know, you know, where, where do you want to start with that? But

Terry - Feeding Fatty (01:17):

I mean, let's talk about what it is and Reiki healing. It's it's, um, targets, targets your energy flow, um, removes, you know, blocks. If you have certain blocks in certain areas, um, you go and you, uh, have I don't, I mean, I guess just for lack of a better definition, you, you go and you lay on a table, it's like a massage table. So it's like massaging without the muscle manipulation and all of that. I mean, they, they do touch upon, you know, certain, certain points, you know, like on, on your forehead and it's just, everything is your, everything is energy and your shakras, there are seven chakras and, and they kind of focus on your shakra areas and try to figure out where you have blockages or, you know, where your energy needs to kind of flow up or, you know,

Roy - Feeding Fatty - Need to Balance Your Energy? You Might Want to Try a Rieke Session (02:21):

That was an interesting part talking about that. I mean, we'll get into it, I guess, a little bit more, but in all fairness, uh, you know, first off we are having some terrible internet issues that we have actually suspended. Uh, luckily we had a bunch of, uh, uh, episodes that we'd already taped, but our, um, and you know, this, we're doing this recording on, uh, the first week of may, but 2021. So we've been having some internet issues and we've actually had to suspend it on all of our podcasts just because we've tried and, you know, we've gotten to the middle and failed. So first off, we'll just apologize if you do watch this on the video, you know, it may be a little bit jerky. The audio should be fine, it's taped a different way, but, um, you know, we are getting that work done. We've got, uh, about, um, well, not quite a mile of work, the cable that they're going to bury down here and hopefully, uh, we've started the prep work at the house, and they've also got, um, the pavement Mark, like they're thinking about digging pretty quickly. So anyway,

Terry - Feeding Fatty (03:24):

We're on their schedule basically. Yeah.

Roy - Feeding Fatty - Need to Balance Your Energy? You Might Want to Try a Rieke Session (03:26):

We're holding our fingers on that. Nobody will give us a for sure date. So anyway, we're hanging on, we'll do the best we can, but just wanted to bring that up first. But second, uh, this young lady and the re part of the reason I bring that up is because this young lady who we went to was scheduled to be on the show. We really want to talk to her and get her on here. So as soon as we get some, uh, reliable, stable internet back, we will definitely do that. And, uh, she is a friend, uh, of your daughters is how we found her.

Terry - Feeding Fatty (03:58):

Yeah, Peyton, Peyton is a Reiki master. And, you know, I've had, I've had her explain what all of that is because I've kind of stayed away from it because I didn't really understand it. I mean, I do, I do understand that everything is energy. Uh, and, and then you lose me from there until I did the Reiki session. And then, you know, you can kind of liken it to acupuncture, I guess, but I've never done that either, but they do compare the two or, you know, I don't know, pressure points and certain areas and your feet and your hands and all of that. And they can kind of feel, uh, they feel warmth and you actually feel warmth. You don't really see what they're doing, but

Roy - Feeding Fatty - Need to Balance Your Energy? You Might Want to Try a Rieke Session (04:45):

Yeah. And part of the reason I kind of agreed to go do this was, you know, I'm interested in it. Definitely for sure, because, because I don't know about it. So, you know, definitely going and checking it out and seeing, but, you know, part of my deal is, you know, we struggle, I struggle can make, you know, go for two, three weeks, maybe a month, maybe two months on, you know, eating good. And then I just have a complete come apart. So part of my reasoning for wanting to go was just the fact of, uh, you know, I feel like there's some kind of a block, maybe something, I don't remember some trauma or, you know, I think it's also a lot of, we've discussed this before a lot of different, bad learned habits. And, you know, the one we usually kind of key on is the whole ice cream factor that, you know, that was a bit large part of my life growing up celebrations, you know, when things were bad, like, you know, anytime anything happened, it was like, well, let's head to the drugstore and get some ice cream. And so, so yeah, that was back in the day before.

Roy - Feeding Fatty - Need to Balance Your Energy? You Might Want to Try a Rieke Session (05:50):

But, um, um, you know, that, so I, I don't necessarily think that it has to be something traumatic happened. I think part of it can be, you know, just learn habits over time that, and you associate good and bad with this. And anyway,

Terry - Feeding Fatty (06:06):

And sometimes you just don't know, you don't know if there's a trend, like you, you continue continually, continuously, uh, reinforce how happy your childhood was. You just have all of these great memories and, you know, it's, you just don't know until you start diving into different areas and see if maybe something can come up, you know?

Roy - Feeding Fatty - Need to Balance Your Energy? You Might Want to Try a Rieke Session (06:31):

Right, right. Yeah. And that's why I wanted to do this. Uh, you know, that's why I was interested. And it was weird because, um, you know, my experience with it was like you said, you lay on a table in a quiet room and I love it with the Asian music plan. And then we have the, um, uh, you know, the incense and the oils and just a lot of sensory, good sensory stuff going on. But I tell you what, I don't think, I don't remember her touching my head, but I know she placed her. I could feel her walk behind me and she must have placed her hand over my forehead. And I guarantee you, it was like, um, it was like a hot coal setting on my forehead. I mean, the heat was so intense that I can't even explain it and

Terry - Feeding Fatty (07:19):

I get a headache afterwards or anything. I mean, you just

Roy - Feeding Fatty - Need to Balance Your Energy? You Might Want to Try a Rieke Session (07:22):

A little bit drained, but, uh, you know, the other thing she did, she cut my ears. And then, um, you know, I've got a, uh, an acute problem with one of my shoulders where I hyper extended it years ago, uh, carrying something heavy and it like tore the tendons where they go into my arm, the little arm socket. And so I have inflammation, but anyway, it, it gives me trouble every now and then, but it's funny after she moved away from my head, that shoulder was the very first place that she went, which is just, you know, strange to me. And the other thing she told me too was, you know, like my upper body, my head and my chest were holding a lot of heat and energy. And she was trying to move that down into my legs. She said, cause that's where we make changes and how, you know, things are, I guess, down into your knees, into your lower body area.

Roy - Feeding Fatty - Need to Balance Your Energy? You Might Want to Try a Rieke Session (08:19):

So anyway, it was just a, to me, it was a very interesting experience. I will go back and do it again, just because, but what about you, anything that out of the ordinary for you? Oh, one more thing. I'm sorry. I, I just want to say don't dog yet. Now the other thing I was going to say is it's funny that three, I don't know, after she was kind of around my head, it wasn't, it was just like all of a sudden, I kind of felt like I was in that limbo between consciousness and sleep. Just having these weird thoughts or is kind of almost like, you know, you're having those dreams that you just can't remember. Yeah. You know, they're kind of weird, but they, they have some reality based into it. Cause, but you can really, it just wasn't clear, but anyway, there's so all that was going on. And then it was like, things went silent. It was like my, my upper body, my chest and everything just swole up with, uh, just all of this energy. And the, I had three words that came to me were, uh, C uh, strength, wisdom, and patience. And that, you know, you know what I had gone through the, I went on a Thursday, had a really bad Tuesday and then Thursday afternoon was terrible. I mean, it was just the pits. And so

Terry - Feeding Fatty (09:45):

He didn't want to go anywhere.

Roy - Feeding Fatty - Need to Balance Your Energy? You Might Want to Try a Rieke Session (09:46):

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, yeah, but I was man, you know, it's just funny how it was so such a bad time and easily. I don't have times that are that bad for those reasons, but anyway, it was just terrible. And just those three words that came to me, I really needed to hear at that time. So I thought that was kind of strange anyway, I'm sorry. Go ahead.

Terry - Feeding Fatty (10:07):

Yeah. I, I didn't really get any clear-cut words. I, I just having a hard time explaining what happened, but, you know, after she was, uh, after we were finished, she said that my throat chakra was where she felt the blockage, the most heat. And, um, that has to do with, uh, communicating your, you know, just getting your point across, like I'm having a great time doing now, just getting your point across. And I've, you know, I've had, I've had a hard time with that lately and I don't, uh, I don't there just so many things going on that I just can't get in the right direction. Right. To explain what's going on. But I, I just, I felt, I actually did feel afterwards. Like I had had a massage, I was very, I wanted a nap. I just, I, I felt so relaxed. Um, and there were certain areas, you know, the second time that I went, I was having some tingling and some not, not pains, but just like some sharp feelings.

Terry - Feeding Fatty (11:18):

And then there were some tinglings around and it was like where her hands were. And I couldn't tell where she was, but she felt, Oh, yeah. I mean, that was like, I don't, I figured it was my digestive. I was hungry or something, I don't know. But it was, it was very constant and very, it just flickering and tingling. It was, it was, uh, a good, good experience both times. It was just different, but at times, and we didn't discuss, she and I didn't discuss, you know, anything in detail as far as what was going on. If I was having any pains, if I, uh, was, you know, feeling, having certain feelings that I was trying to, to deal with or anything like that, um, she, she just kind of told me what it was. She told me she, you know, that this may have been, may be happening. And, uh, it was good. I I'm ready to go. I bought a package ready to go back.

Roy - Feeding Fatty - Need to Balance Your Energy? You Might Want to Try a Rieke Session (12:19):

Yeah. I think it's worth the, you know, and that's part of, I think, as we have interviewed a lot of people on this show, it's, it's brought up a lot of things that maybe we didn't think about or like myself, I had never heard of this. So, I mean, it's, I want to try to go into this with an open mind and tried different things just to see kind of what that is. It's, um, you never know, you never know what's going to resonate with each individual person in the place that they're at. I guess

Terry - Feeding Fatty (12:48):

People find different ways to balance their lives. And if, uh, there is, uh, you know, in search for the positive balance of everything in your life.

Roy - Feeding Fatty - Need to Balance Your Energy? You Might Want to Try a Rieke Session (12:59):

Yeah. And I don't think, uh, I, I don't know that we know enough about it to recommend, you know, how to choose the person that you go to. And I think that would be a great topic when Peyton comes on is, you know, we'll, we'll talk with her about, you know, what do you need to look for? Because there are certain training that they go through and certain levels. I mean, it's, it's complicated. And you know, my thing about this, when we try anything new, whether, uh, anything is just always check, check the person out because I could, uh, you know, anybody can say that you practice something, but that doesn't mean that we really know what we're doing. And so, you know, I just urge everybody to check it out, check the person out. You go to make sure that they've got the credentialing that you're looking for. And then hopefully when we get Peyton on here, that we'll be, you know, one of the questions that we want to ask her is if somebody new is seeking out, um, you know, the Reiki H how, what would the criteria be to choose somebody? What do they need to do?

Terry - Feeding Fatty (13:59):

Yeah, definitely. I think that it's important, you know, nobody wants to waste their time, messing around with people who are just throwing up ads on Google or whatever, and that boy does that happen. You know, we got to filter everything out. Yep.

Roy - Feeding Fatty - Need to Balance Your Energy? You Might Want to Try a Rieke Session (14:15):

All right. Well, that's going to do it for this episode. Uh, one thing, you know, I think we've talked about we, when we first started this, this was more of a personal journey. We started interviewing a lot of people. So hopefully, you know, from this point forward, we'll be delivering much more of these, uh, you know, shorter Thursday episodes where, you know, we can kind of go deep about some things that's happening, uh, you know, in our life at this time. So, anyway.

Terry - Feeding Fatty (14:40):

Yeah. And I was just going to say, and, you know, by no means, are we professionals, these are just things that we're trying out right. For us, and what's working at the moment. So if there, if you have anything to add to this, if, if you'd like to discuss anything, go to our Facebook site, go to Instagram and go where wherever we are feeding fatty,

Roy - Feeding Fatty - Need to Balance Your Energy? You Might Want to Try a Rieke Session (15:00):

Or even send an email, we'll be glad to try to answer any questions. Like I said, we are not the professionals. And, you know, we don't, uh, don't claim to be, we, you know, we just offer up different suggestions of things that we're trying kind of where we're at to see, you know, what we're gonna, what combination is going to end up working for us,

Terry - Feeding Fatty (15:19):

But yeah. Any suggestions? Yep.

Roy - Feeding Fatty - Need to Balance Your Energy? You Might Want to Try a Rieke Session (15:21):

Great. Alright. Well until next time, uh, that's going to do it. Of course, you can find us at, um,, all the, all the major social media channels. We do have a Facebook group. We'd love to get some conversations started in also over on Instagram, we get a lot of traction over there. That's a great place to check out the different podcasts that we have up. Get some more information. And then also this will go up on YouTube, check out on our website. We have both an audio player and a video player available. So until next time that's going to do it for Roy I'm. Terry, talk to y'all later.