Learn How to Create a Healthy Lifestyle in 90 Days - Why Wait Any Longer? with David Medansky

“Diets tend to be trendy & don't work. I'll teach your audience how to lose weight by making small adjustments to their daily eating habits.”

David Medansky, a retired divorce attorney, is an international best-selling author, and America’s newest authority for successful weight loss.

In July of 2016, his doctor told him to lose weight or find another physician, because he didn't want David dying of a heart attack on his watch. Within four months, Medansky dropped 50 pounds. He wrote about his inspirational weight-reduction journey and lifestyle transformation and how you can do the same in his book, If Not Now, When? Reduce Weight – Create a Healthy Lifestyle.

Medansky teaches them to feel better by eating healthier and stop losing the same 10 pounds over and over. Bottom line, Medansky’s clients improve their health, have more energy, and LOVE what they see in the mirror.



Full Transcript Below

Roy - Feeding Fatty - Learn How to Create a Healthy Lifestyle in 90 Days Why Wait Any Longer (00:02):

Hello, and welcome to another episode of feeding fatty. This is Roy I'm Terry. So we are the podcasts that, you know, we're chronicling my journey through this weight loss, getting healthy wellness journey that we're on. And then, uh, also, you know, Terry is my support mechanism helping me through this. So, uh, she has, she's got her story to tell too. But the other thing that we do is we have, um, uh, other guests on that are, uh, experts in different areas that can help us out. And today is no different. Uh, David [inaudible] the, uh, the health Maestro actually, uh, he's a retired attorney and an internationally best-selling author and America's newest authority on successful weight loss. In July of 2016, his doctor told him to lose weight or find another physician. He didn't want David dying of a heart attack on his watch within months.

Roy - Feeding Fatty - Learn How to Create a Healthy Lifestyle in 90 Days Why Wait Any Longer (01:01):

Uh, David dropped 50 pounds. He wrote about his inspirational weight reduction journey and lifestyle transformation and how you can do the same in his book, if not now, when reduce weight, create a healthy lifestyle. David, thanks so much for taking time out of your day to join us and we're looking forward to it. And just, uh, you know, we appreciate you sending the book ahead of time and Terry's had a chance to look at it. And I think she has generated a lot of questions and a lot of stuff. But before we get into all of that, just kinda, uh, you know, tell us a little bit more about your journey, you know, how you find yourself and, uh, you know, in the midst of your doctor, trying to fire you, if you didn't get yourself, get yourself under control and, uh, uh, no, that's, uh, you know, that's, yeah, I'm not quite that I'm not quite there yet, but you know, I do understand that that can be a hard place to be in.

David (01:59):

Well, thanks for having me, Roy, as a guest and Terry appreciate it very much with most people. When I was younger, I was fit and trim. However, life gets in the way. And before I realized that the way to crept up and I was over 225 pounds on five eight, and my doctor told me based on my lab results and being significantly overweight that I needed to either find a new doctor, as you said, or lose the weight because he didn't want me dying on his watch. Now, normally being in the 95 percentile is a good thing, except when it's a death sentence. So if that sort hanging over my head during the next four months, I shed 50 pounds. As you mentioned, ad, the most important thing is I've kept it off.

David (02:46):

What I did was I started rereading the books I had from the 1970s, you know, books like Richard Simmons, Jack, Elaine, Paul and Patricia brag and, and other authors. And then I started reading the current books that are out there today. And what I learned was there's a lot of misinformation and misconceptions being in the newer books, the older books actually had better information. The problem today is people go on diets to lose weight and the diet tends to be temporary, extreme, hard to stick with and potentially dangerous. What you need to do is actually change your lifestyle. And the way I look at it as a diet is similar to a sprint. It has the finished line. And once you reach that finish line, most people revert back to their old eating habits. Exactly. If you lose weight by changing and improving your lifestyle, it's similar to running a marathon except there's no finish line. You just keep going and going and going. So that's part of my, my journey. I wanted to help others. So they don't experience the same OE risks that I was at for an early death, also for people to improve how they feel in priests, their vitality have more energy, feel better and look better and have more self-confidence in themselves. So that's my mission right now is to help other people.

Roy - Feeding Fatty - Learn How to Create a Healthy Lifestyle in 90 Days Why Wait Any Longer (04:14):

Right. And you know, it's so important that you mentioned, cause that's kinda where we're at or where I'm at is that, um, you know, I don't want to do a fad or do something that is a short term, because like you said, it has a finish line. And then what happens after that? And if we don't, you know, my opinion is only if we don't change our behaviors, if we can't get our minds, right, we can lose all the weight doing whatever the short-term fix is. And then as soon as we get through and try to integrate back into normal life, we put it back on. And I mean, I throw myself under the bus and say, you know, I've been there before. And, uh, so that's why this time, I'm trying to find that, uh, you know, a healthy balance of things that we can do because, um, sometimes we don't know to these diets short, the fad diets and things like that. They can not have other health and we may lose weight, but they have other health implications on us as well.

David (05:11):

Exactly. And they're finding people who are on the keto diet most in are doing in properly. And after a year or two, they're starting to develop, um, what I call Leighton or, you know, delayed negative side effects because you're denying your body, the proper nutrition, right? You have to look at food as fuel for your body. And there's a quote by Heather Morgan. I love where she says, every time you eat or drink something, you're either fighting disease or feeding disease. Interesting. I'm paraphrasing. However, that's the gist of it. And that, that's how I look at it. Is am I putting something into my body? That's going to give it the right nourishment and fuel and treat it like a high performance car or even, you know, most people treat their pets better than they do themselves. Right.

Roy - Feeding Fatty - Learn How to Create a Healthy Lifestyle in 90 Days Why Wait Any Longer (06:03):

Well, you know, it's the interesting thing is that when we started this, we signed up for, uh, you know, an app that was really good because it not only it had the, the micronutrients as well. And I think people would be surprised even trying to eat good. And what we thought was good with our vegetables and meat and not doing anything extreme, just saying we're eating a well-balanced meal, how, um, how deficient we were in a lot of micronutrients that are very important, you know, so the nice thing is the app has, um, it kind of will prod you to say, if you're short on this, these are foods and where you can recapture that. And so, you know, I know it's not the end all be all, but, uh, especially as we age, you know, there's certain things that we need to, to help us age healthy. And so, uh, but anyway, I think it's just important that, you know, when we do these fads or we go to the extremes, I can only imagine how much these micronutrients that we need that we're losing out on.

David (07:07):

Exactly. And most of us know what to do to reduce weight in a healthy manner. We just choose not to do it, or we forget, or maybe we're not aware of some of the things that we should be doing, right. Or we have bad habits. And how I look at it as bad habits are hard to break and new habits are difficult to create. And the way I explain it is if you just look at your daily routines, those become your behaviors and then your behaviors then consistently become new habits.

Roy - Feeding Fatty - Learn How to Create a Healthy Lifestyle in 90 Days Why Wait Any Longer (07:42):

Yeah. Before I let Terry jump in here with some questions that are books specific, you know, that's the biggest hurdle for me that I don't know if, if you can give advice or speak to how you overcame the, those habits, because it's not that, like you said, we know what to do, but unfortunately whether it's laziness or life or other things, we all, you know, I tend to revert back to these bad habits and it's just, you know, I can do, I can do the right thing for a few weeks or a month. And then, you know, I I'll give an example here of late. You know, I got back into the gym a couple of weeks ago and was doing awesome. And then, you know, things have gotten so busy that, you know, I haven't been able to make it over there. We've tried to take some short walks, but, uh, you know, it's just once I kind of, uh, once I get that day off or once I don't, can't do something because of life, it's really hard to pick it back up and just keep moving.

David (08:47):

Well, here's the interesting thing. People think exercising is correlated with weight loss or mistaken. It's a myth, right? A hundred percent of what you put into your mouth has to do with your weight. You can lose weight without exercising. However, poor eating habits will never overcome, you know, your exercise habits. Right. And what happens is people will get frustrated. You don't tell those story if that's okay. Uh, one of my clients was doing everything he was supposed to as far as modifying and improving his eating habits. However, he was frustrated after a couple of weeks, the scale was not showing any difference for his weight. I asked him, I said, well, are you exercising? He says, yes, I'm going for walks. He's walking about five miles a day total. And he's riding his bicycle and doing other things. And I said, well, how are your clothes fitting?

David (09:44):

He said, well, they're looser. And he says, people are noticing that I'm slimming down and make comments. And I said, don't go by the scale, right? Because you're replacing your fat with muscle and muscle and fat weigh the same, however, muscle takes up less room. So give a time. And that's where people get frustrated is they'll go to the gym, there'll be exercising for a week or two. However, the scale won't show any change. Right? So it's like, well, why bother? I'll give up. If they keep going. Like my client did, then all of a sudden the number on the scale went down and that's the difference. So the important thing is your clothes will tell you how you're doing. Right?

Roy - Feeding Fatty - Learn How to Create a Healthy Lifestyle in 90 Days Why Wait Any Longer (10:29):

Yeah. And I've always heard a trick on that is, uh, if you take your measurements, when you start on those weeks, when you're not losing weight and you're feeling down like that, if you'll get the tape out and measure, usually you'll find some inspiration in the, uh, the inch loss or, you know, the, I guess the movement of our measurements, however, that works.

David (10:50):

But the other thing is they did research in England. And what they've found is it takes an average of 66 days to create a new habit. Wow. Not 30 days, not 21 days. So you need to give a time. And Darren Hardy has a, he wrote the compound effect. And what he talks about is there, it's the little seemingly inconsequential improvements that you do consistently for a long period of time that will give you noticeable results. And the two operative words are consistently and long period of time. And that's the difference where people want instantaneous results. They listened to the commercials on TV from the national brands and think, Oh, I'll drop 20 pounds the first month. It's unrealistic, nor is it healthy for you to do it that fast? Yeah.

Roy - Feeding Fatty - Learn How to Create a Healthy Lifestyle in 90 Days Why Wait Any Longer (11:43):

Yeah. Uh, in that, um, uh, I've read a similar book it's called the slight edge. And basically, you know, he makes the same point as in he used, he likes to the baseball player. The, you know, if you were to go out today and hit, uh, you know, 500 balls at the batting cage and you never went back out there, you're not gonna see much improvement, but if you go out and hit 500 balls every day for the next six months, you'll definitely see those improvements and, and vice versa. You know, you, uh, if you have a bad habit, say smoking, if you quit smoking for a day, but pick it back up, you're not going to see much. So I think that's an important, uh, and that probably gets back to, you know, making the smaller, incremental changes that we can be consistent over time versus too many making huge changes or too many changes at one time. And I, I know I've read that as well, but, and I'm, I'm guilty of that. You know, you wake up today and gun change everything, and it just makes it so much harder. And then at two o'clock exactly.

David (12:46):

Yeah. What I, what I tell people is I ask them, would you like to wait, you know, 20, 30, 40 pounds lighter by this time next year, most people say, well, of course, and I asked, can you lose two, three or four pounds a month? Not a week in a month. And most people are that's doable. What if you lose two, three or four pounds a month on average for 12 consecutive months, that's anywhere from 24 to 48 pounds. Right? However it's being patient and giving it time also, no one is perfect. And if you get off track, you just need to not beat yourself up, be positive and start over again. The only caveat I would say with that is be careful of making exceptions because they tend to become the rule.

Roy - Feeding Fatty - Learn How to Create a Healthy Lifestyle in 90 Days Why Wait Any Longer (13:37):

Exactly. Yeah. And that's celebrating. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. And that's kind of the same, you know, that's the habit I fall in and, uh, you know, do really good fall off and then it's like, yeah, I'm off. So I might as well just continue, continue these bad habits. But anyway, I'll let, I'm gonna let Terry ask a couple questions that she's pulled out of the book that she'd like to talk about.

Terry - Feeding Fatty (14:02):

Well, I really enjoyed this book and it was, it was an easy read, you know, I, it was, uh, I just, I really, I enjoyed it a lot. And you covered a lot of issues. Um,

Roy - Feeding Fatty - Learn How to Create a Healthy Lifestyle in 90 Days Why Wait Any Longer (14:15):

Well, well, I'll, I'll testify to that. It'd be, as I'm trying to go to sleep at night, I get the elbow like, Oh my God, we need to drink more water. And they see, like, she'd be telling me all the points that she is reading every night.

Terry - Feeding Fatty (14:26):

He couldn't, he couldn't read anything. So really he was reading it as well. But, um, so your jumping off point was, go into the doctor and then him telling you, if you don't lose that weight, then you know, death is eminent, basically. Yes. So, uh, I, and that's all it took for you

David (14:50):

For me, that's it took, um, for other people, it's other things. I, I have a couple, uh, clients, uh, one was borderline type two diabetic, and then he called me and said, can we work together? I said, sure. I started helping him. He kind of drifted away. And then he called me and says, uh, now I'm a full type two diabetic, what can we do? So he's more enthusiastic. What they say is, what's your why, if you don't have a big enough why you're not going to do it, you need to make a commitment. Everybody wants to lose weight, right? Everybody has a desire to do it. The difference is those people who make a commitment to do it. And that's the difference. Uh, other people I talked to their biggest fear is becoming a type two diabetic, or they're already a type two and want to get off the medication in type two diabetes. For the most part is reversible. The sad statistic is 80% of people who are age 50 or older are either a type two diabetic or pre-diabetic 80% when people were 50. It just blows my mind. When I think of that,

Roy - Feeding Fatty - Learn How to Create a Healthy Lifestyle in 90 Days Why Wait Any Longer (16:00):

You know, we talked to a guest, um, last week that she reminded me of a good point. Is that in again, I don't have all the research to back this up, but I've heard this multiple times that, um, you know, dementia and Alzheimer's is, uh, what they have termed type three diabetes, basically that if we let this type to run long enough, bad enough, then it, I guess it can be a precursor to, you know, having Alzheimer's. So if, if the, if the medication and the, all the other side effects of, you know, losing toes, limb circulation of, you know, messing up your eyes side, if that's not enough to make you want to change, then that whole threat of being more susceptible to Alzheimer's should definitely wake you up.

David (16:50):

Well, actually, I had a friend asked me, uh, when I wrote the first book, the discover your thinner self, how many people would rather keep their poor eating habits and, um, risk having a disease or illness that's debilitating or even death. And I said, I don't know. He says research and see, and I was amazed how many people would rather keep their poor eating habits and risk those ailments, even, you know, certain types of cancer and early death, um, struggling just to survive each day and give up their junk food and their fast foods and convenient foods.

Roy - Feeding Fatty - Learn How to Create a Healthy Lifestyle in 90 Days Why Wait Any Longer (17:32):

Yep. Why is it that people feel like they're Bulletproof? I mean, it's like you, you have that teenager mentality and then you just kind of carry it on. It seems like, you know, I think it's denial because, you know, I can only speak for me that it's like, well, that's not really on your mind at the, at the time you're doing something that, you know, you shouldn't be doing. It's more in the moment. And that short, uh, you know, I guess the sugar and the carbs release, some endorphins that give you that higher, the energy or whatever you're looking for. But then, you know, in clear moments like, you know, when you wake up the next day and think, Oh, what did, what did we eat last night? Then it's then it's like, Oh, I need to clean up, clean myself up because of all these things, right?

David (18:17):

Well, we all understand it's difficult to give up cigarette smoking. People understand there's a danger with, you know, lung cancer and throat cancer and other things. However, cigarettes are addicting. Same thing with an alcoholic. They know that alcohol is bad for their liver. It's an addiction. And that's why it's difficult to give it up without a support group. Food is addicting and people may not realize, but they've engineered scientifically engineered the food today to be addictive. They've optimized it to increase your cravings for fat, salt, sugar, and texture. So when they say, bet, you can't eat just one potato chip. It's not a Derrick. It's a fact, in fact, they've done research Oreo cookies, and I guess there's like 66 different types of real cookies now, or something like that. They're more addictive than cocaine. So imagine that a cookie is more addicting than in an illegal substance. Wow. So you can't really blame people sometimes because food, isn't it diction. What I used to tell people is the number one reason people rate was because of stress and what we were boredom. And what do people do to get away from stress. They go on vacation and what are you doing? Vacation? You mean drink?

David (19:42):

However, I was listening to another doctor and what he was saying, it's no longer stress. It's convenience. It's just easier to go through a drive-through at a fast food place. It's easier to order a pizza. It's easier to get a frozen meal and pop in the microwave or open a package, right? People are not eating real food anymore. There are any what I call it, edible products because they're manufactured and processed foods.

Roy - Feeding Fatty - Learn How to Create a Healthy Lifestyle in 90 Days Why Wait Any Longer (20:13):

Well, and kind of that point on the, uh, the addiction in that, um, you know, we're all addicted to some way to McDonald's French fries. And I I'd read an article a long time ago about them. That what their trick is is that they used to soak them in sugar water before that they fried them up so that they have, you know, a lot, you get the sugar and you get the salt too. So that's one reason that makes him well,

David (20:39):

Actually, yeah, I can dispel that myth because way back in the day, when they had the fresh and we had appeal to them, and then what would they would do is they would blanch them and then they would fry them later. However, it was the oil they used, they used lard. And so it was the oil that gave it the extra crispness and flavor and the way they process it, there was no sugar water used there.

Terry - Feeding Fatty (21:08):

I see grapevines starts those French fries back then were, um, yeah.

David (21:15):

Yeah. Now they're just filled with preservatives and chemicals. Yeah.

Terry - Feeding Fatty (21:21):

Trying to keep, they didn't. Nobody wanted the Lord. The Lord was a big thing. Okay. Well then they just added more stuff or get it.

David (21:28):

Well, no, it was easier to make frozen fries than freshmen. Right,

Terry - Feeding Fatty (21:31):

Right. Yeah. Oh my gosh. That's crazy. Well, um, so 10 behaviors to improve and change to achieve and maintain a healthy weight. Let's talk about that chapter.

David (21:46):

Sure. What would you like to know about that chapter? The first behaviors, the first behaviors to drink more water. And the reason being is 75% of the us population is chronically dehydrated. And there's a correlation to people being overweight. 71% of the us adult population is overweight, which 42% are clinically obese. The reason being more people are drinking, soda, diet, soda, orange juice, or fruit juices, and fruit flavor beverages than they do water. Yet our bodies are composed of 60 to 70% water. Well, it's not native diet, soda, or soda or fruit juices. So you need to drink more water.

Terry - Feeding Fatty (22:30):

Yeah. And I liked the, uh, the hint that you gave to about, uh, drinking two cups, I think, or drinking two glasses of water prior 10 minutes prior to [inaudible] or crying.

David (22:44):

The first thing I do in the mornings, I have a 16 ounce glass of water sometimes too. And you rehydrate from sleeping overnight, right? So that's one, you know, at 16 ounces or one eight ounce glass is fine for most people. Uh, and then again, if you just drink two glasses of water before each meal one mid-morning one mid-afternoon, you've got your minimum of 64 ounces. The rule of thumb is drink one half of your body weight in ounces of water. So if you're 220 pounds drinking 110 ounces of water, if you're unable to drink that much water, build up to it, start out with a minimum of 64 ounces. Okay.

Terry - Feeding Fatty (23:24):

Okay. All right. So, um, and then, so there was another one that I was going to ask you about, and I just lost

David (23:33):

About sleeping. Uh, sleep is an important factor.

Terry - Feeding Fatty (23:36):

Sweet. Oh my gosh. We really have a problem with that, but I'm sure many people do just trying to

David (23:43):

Do everything researchers have found is to lose a pound. You need to reduce your caloric intake 500 calories per day for a full week to lose one pound. So the average consumer in just 3,600 calories per day, wow, it's the daily requirements are based on 2000 calories per day, right? If you want to maintain a healthy weight, if you're a guy who was not doing much physical activity, you only need about 1,750 calories. Women only need about 1,250. Wow. So people are consuming two or three times more calories than they need to have most of our empty calories, because there's a difference with net calories. For example, if you eat an Apple and Apple has about a hundred calories, it takes your body 25 calories to digest it. So your dad has 75 calories. If you had a Hershey bar, it's about 125 calories for regular size Hershey bar, it takes your body's zero calories to digest and process it. So your net is 125 calories. Plus the Hershey bar has no nutritional benefit whatsoever other than maybe comfort where the Apple has a lot of phytonutrients and a lot of nutrients for your body.

Roy - Feeding Fatty - Learn How to Create a Healthy Lifestyle in 90 Days Why Wait Any Longer (24:59):

Yeah, no, that's a good, that goes back to the, um, you know, the exercise and I don't want to, the exercise for the losing weight is not that important, but you know, for just general health, it is important, but we can do the math on this and this what people, I always challenge everybody, get a, get a pencil paper and a calculator and sat down and think about that one Hershey bar, except I eat the big ones. So it's probably about 250 terrible idea. So

David (25:28):

That's what actually is about 450.

Roy - Feeding Fatty - Learn How to Create a Healthy Lifestyle in 90 Days Why Wait Any Longer (25:32):

So we got 450 calories that we just, and that's, that's not eating the chips and everything else that, you know, that goes with that, we'll take one item 450 for that, that, uh, candy bar. And then you go to the gym and you try to walk for, I don't know, an hour. And you know, like for me, I'd be lucky if I burned 140 calories, you know, during that walk. So anyway, I just always challenge people, do the math. If you, if you need to understand how important the eating factor is in losing weight, because you know, you'd have to go walk, you know, if you want to eat a candy bar, that's fine. But if you're think you can walk it off, you'll have to walk about four hours a day, you know, just to burn that off.

David (26:16):

Well, that's the fallacies people always overestimated how many calories they burn while exercising. Yeah. And underestimate how many calories they're actually consuming. Yeah. The other thing is, uh, with the exercise, I forgot what I was going to say about the extras, but I went back to the sleep issue. What the research has found is people who are sleep deprived tend consume an extra 500 calories per day without adequate sleep. So just getting adequate sleep can help you reduce your cravings. Yeah. I remember we did with the exercise. Exercise is important for overall health and fitness. And that's the difference what most of my clients find is when they reduce the weight and start shedding, some of it, they have more energy, then they want it to become more physically active and you don't have to go to the gym to be more physically active. Like you said, you can go for a walk outside, you can do pushups, you can do leg lifts. There's this little things you can do, um, to get more physically active. Yeah.

Roy - Feeding Fatty - Learn How to Create a Healthy Lifestyle in 90 Days Why Wait Any Longer (27:26):

Yeah. And I just bought a, um, one of these TRX bands that I put in, you know, behind me, because during the day it, it makes me get up out of my chair, which that's the thing that, you know, I can get involved in set here all day long and never get up. So I just look for those little things that make me get up, make me do something positive. But anyway, w kind of getting back to the sleep is that, you know, as I've paid more attention to myself, that is so true that, you know, when I'm tired, I'm always looking for something to eat, to, you know, try to give me that little burst of energy to pick me up with con conversely, when I get a good night's sleep for a few nights in a row, and I feel very energized, man. That's when you want to go out and conquer the world and, you know, be very, very active. So it, to me, that is probably one of my bigger triggers is the sleep factor.

David (28:22):

The, the other, uh, that we can talk about is our food portions have been supersized without us realizing it in the 1900 staff average sized dinner plate was nine inches in diameter over the years it's grown. So that today it's now 12 inches in diameter. Wow. Uh, yet in Europe, it's still nine inches in diameter for a dinner size plate in restaurants. The average serving bladder is 12, 13, 15 inches. So what I tell people is if you're at a restaurant, order your food, get a, to go box right away, take care of it, put it in your to-go box, just eat the half there. And that way you get two meals for the price of one. So you're saving money and not over.

Roy - Feeding Fatty - Learn How to Create a Healthy Lifestyle in 90 Days Why Wait Any Longer (29:10):

Exactly. No, that's a good habit. Good habit to get into. Okay.

Terry - Feeding Fatty (29:15):

You know, uh, another thing I wanted to talk about is the, um, cost of nutritious food versus, um, the non-nutritious food. And, uh, you explained it really well about, um, how well you explain it, because it will come much better out of your mouth. Just the let's talk about. Sure.

David (29:42):

Let's start with eggs. Most people don't realize there's a difference between regular eggs, where the hens are kept in a cage where they call cage-free, which really aren't cage-free hens. If you actually see how they raise them, and then there's, um, pastor eggs now pasture eggs are where the hands actually forge outside for their own food. The bugs worms grass, like they're supposed to cage-free. If it says that they have special feed or grain fed that's corn and soy that's unhealthy because it's in the egg. So the price of eggs can be anywhere from a dollar 99 for regular eggs and pasture eggs can cost anywhere from four 50 to $9, depending where you get them. People are like, I don't want to spend six or $7 on a dozen eggs. Well, if you think about it, it's only 50 cents an egg. If you spend $6 for a carton and there's a dozen in them, however, they have no qualms going to McDonald's and getting a breakfast sandwich or combo meal that they're spending four 50 to $6 for, for one meal.

David (30:47):

So there's a difference there. The other thing is most of the drive-through is an average meals, anywhere from six to $8, it doesn't cost that much to get a can of tuna. As long as it's packed in water, um, eat maybe a half an avocado or an avocado or an Apple in a slice of Zeke, your bread, as opposed to the process breads that are on the shelf, Zeke, your breads found in the frozen food section. If you don't refrigerate it after two weeks, it goes bad. Where if you get the regular chef bought breads, um, they can last for six, seven months and still fresh because of all the chemicals in there. So that's it. It's just little things like that. If you think about it, the other thing with tuna, if you look at the front of most cans, it'll say packed in water.

David (31:35):

However, if you turn it over and look at the nutritional fact label, it'll say packed in, it'll say tuna water, vegetable broth, and sometimes Seesaw. Well, my question is what's in the vegetable broth and it can be up to 168 different compounds in there. So you don't know what's actually in the water. Wow. That's, you're brought that's in the tuna. The only places I found actual tuna, um, is wild planet. I have Costco and also the, uh, Carolyn brand and also chicken of the sea that I get at Costco, which is interesting because the chicken to see at the grocery store, it says it's packed in, um, vegetable Bri. So we need to start reading the nutritional fact labels to see what's in there. If you eat an organic Apple, it's a little bit more expensive than regular apples. However, what they're finding is regular apples, you know, have the chemicals in there from the pesticides and the fertilizers that they're using.

David (32:38):

So I look at it as like the Fram oil commercial from way back in the seventies. You can pay me a little now to do it right. Or you can pay me a lot later to fix it when it's messed up. It's like your body, you can pay a little bit extra for the healthy nutritional food, or you can wait and you get sick. And then you're starting to pay the doctor, your extra money that you say for medical advice. Now you're on prescription medicine. You have less energy. You're not as vital. And so you have a lower quality of lifestyle, as opposed to just eating a little healthier pain, you know, the extra money for it

Terry - Feeding Fatty (33:16):

And bear, bear. Yeah. That's, that's what I was trying to get at was the, you know, pay, pay now or pay later and you have to pay. And, but I mean, just steadily pay or pay in bulk after something happens to you from eating all of this stuff.

David (33:33):

Exactly. And the way I look at it as being healthy and eating healthy, it's like paying rent and the rent is due every day, right?

Terry - Feeding Fatty (33:45):


Roy - Feeding Fatty - Learn How to Create a Healthy Lifestyle in 90 Days Why Wait Any Longer (33:45):

Well, and the, you know, you, I think you made a good point that w we don't, nobody ever thinks twice about zipping through McDonald's and throwing out, you know, 10 bucks for a supersized quarter pound meal and, uh, everything that goes along with that. So we could take that money and spend it a little bit, uh, better to eat more healthier, you know, from the grocery store.

David (34:06):

Well, now they're do gimmick is buy one, get one free. So you can buy one sandwich and get two sandwiches free, which is great. If you're going to share the other sandwich with another person or whatever, a lot of people just eat, both sandwiches themselves. So now you're over consuming and you're thinking I got a great value. Well, what kind of value did you get? Did you get great value for your body, or did you get great value for your wallet? Yeah, you have to look at that.

Roy - Feeding Fatty - Learn How to Create a Healthy Lifestyle in 90 Days Why Wait Any Longer (34:36):

That's something that's come to light too. I kind of, it's a new catchphrase that I'm trying to try to use more often is, you know, we don't want to outlive our wellness. And I think that's something that, um, you know, we have to consider with everything we put in our mouth and, you know, a lot of other decisions about things that we do is to me, the very worst thing that could happen is to, you know, have to live in a shell of a body that doesn't work right. Or, uh, just not being able to get out of bed or go find, you know, there's so many things that can go wrong, but anyway, you know, we want to try to match our wellness to our lifespan, for sure.

David (35:15):

Well, Dr. Bob Martin has a great quote. He says, if you wear out your body, where else are you going to live? Right, exactly.

Terry - Feeding Fatty (35:23):

Right. Um, okay. Biggest challenges, biggest challenge and obstacle for you is that you're just not motivated. And there's a reason why can you explain a little bit about that?

David (35:40):

Most people don't want to give up their convenience. They don't want to, you know, put the time and effort. They don't want to spend the extra money. They don't want to go to the grocery store, you know, and get the fresh fruits and vegetables and then go home and prepare it. Right?

Speaker 4 (35:53):

Well, so

David (35:56):

We all procrastinate and there's reasons, you know, I'll start losing weight or go on my diet Monday, or I'll start tomorrow or after Christmas or the holidays or after the company picnic, or after we go to dinner with friends at our favorite restaurant tomorrow never comes right. We all know that. And if we put off until tomorrow, what we can do today and tomorrow never comes. What that means is we're never going to do what we need to get done. Right? And that's the issue is people procrastinate. They think I'll delay, delay delay until you wake up one morning and you're in a situation like I am word you're told you have a 95% chance for a heart attack and an early death. I was fortunate. I have classmates that had the heart attack, had the stroke are type two diabetic. I avoided that. I count my blessings.

David (36:50):

Um, they weren't so fortunate. So a lot of them, it's only after they get the heart attack or the stroke, or the type two diabetes BDS diagnosis that they start improving their eating habits. And again, a lot of people just don't know where to start, because again, they're looking at diets. There are thousands and thousands of books written about diets and healthy eating up there right now on Amazon alone. There's over 50,000 books on nutrition, kind of like it's crazy. So one expert will tell you one thing, one will say another. And a third will say, both of them are wrong. So who or what you believe and act on the trust? No, it comes down to basics in there. What I've identified as nine principles that are fundamental for just healthy eating. The first one is drink more water. The second one is avoid manufactured and processed foods.

David (37:49):

That includes deli meats, such as the smoked Turkey. Even if it is low sodium, the ham and Stromae and roast beef. The third thing is eat more holistic whole foods that are real foods as close to organic as possible. Also, you want to eat slower. You want to reduce your portion sizes. You want to get adequate sleep. You want to have a positive mental attitude and give positive self-talk. People may not realize we have over 12,000 thoughts a day. And 90% of those thoughts are the same thoughts as the day before. And have those thoughts. 80% are negative. Now, can you imagine if you turn around and your self-talk or thoughts were 80% positive as opposed to negative? So little things like that is what we talk about in the book to help people, um, you know, start their health journey. It's a lifestyle it's, again, diets are designed to fail. They're extreme. They're temporary to, hard to stick with and are potentially dangerous. Yeah. So people who go on diets and failed to lose weight, it's not their fault. The diet is to blame.

Roy - Feeding Fatty - Learn How to Create a Healthy Lifestyle in 90 Days Why Wait Any Longer (39:01):

Right. Right. Exactly. Yeah. And, and I like also, I just wanted to say, I liked that you quoted Walt Disney and keep moving forward in here as well.

David (39:10):

Exactly. If you, if you stumble and you have a day where you, you went out with friends and ate something you weren't supposed to, or indulge a little bit, just start over the next day and keep moving forward because you start making progress. Instead of, you know, you'll start taking two or three steps forward for every one step backwards. And before you know it, you start getting new routines that will become new behaviors. That'll become new habits.

Roy - Feeding Fatty - Learn How to Create a Healthy Lifestyle in 90 Days Why Wait Any Longer (39:36):

I like that. One more thing before we wrap up, if we could just touch on quickly is the, um, it's fasting, you know, something that we've been thinking about, talking about a little bit more, it's become more. Uh, I think there's a lot more talk about it. W what's your opinion on, on the value of fasting

David (39:56):

Thing has been around for thousands of years, a lot of the religious leaders from Jesus to Buddha, to Mohammad all fasted, um, they did it for spiritual reasons. Fasting is great for, um, healing, the body. It gives your body time to rest and digest the food we talked about in the book, um, of a dirty dishes in the sink. And he keep piling up the sink with dirty dishes. He never wash it. Well, assume the sink is overflowing with dirty dishes, and then it's getting gross and bacteria is growing and you have problems. Well, that's, what's happening to your body. If you don't give your body time to clean itself, to digest the food and process it, you keep putting more and more into it. So fasting is important. Now there's different types of fast there's, short-term fast. Um, a fast can be as little as four hours between eating.

David (40:49):

Uh, I like what I call intermittent fasting, and that's anywhere from 12 hours to 16 hours, some people go 18 hours. It's really easy. And most people do an intermittent fast without realizing it. If say, you go to bed at, you know, you stop eating at seven o'clock at night and your breakfast is at seven o'clock in the morning. Well, that's an interim, an advance that's 12 hours. You know, again, some experts say you only need 12 hours. Some say 14, some say 16, it's what's best for you. And what you're able to do, build up to it. The trick is to stop eating three hours before you go to sleep. Now, some experts will say, stop eating after six o'clock at night, some will say seven o'clock hour. Everybody has different work schedules. If you don't get home from work till six o'clock, you want to have dinner.

David (41:40):

It's hard to stop eating at six, right? Or it's seven. So that's why I usually give the rule of thumb is three hours before you go to sleep. But fasting is, is important because again, it gives your body an opportunity to cleanse itself. Um, if you're going to go on a longer, fast of three days, which is 72 hours or longer, it should be with medical supervision. Okay. And during a fast, you should be drinking mostly water cause you want to stay hydrated. Yeah. And again, when you're doing a long, fast, over a day, you don't want to do much physical activity. You want to give your body an opportunity to rest in cleanse itself. That's the purpose.

Roy - Feeding Fatty - Learn How to Create a Healthy Lifestyle in 90 Days Why Wait Any Longer (42:21):

Yeah. And that's what I was going to ask because everybody's definition of fasting is a little bit different too, but mainly it's, uh, you can still intake water during that period. But then I have seen some that are, are like, um, liquids, Roca, you know, like a protein shake or whatever like that. So

David (42:41):

No, a protein drink is not okay. You can have water, black coffee or unsweetened tea. Okay. Those three things, a protein drink has nutrition in it. Right. So your body wants to start processing the nutrition, even though it's a liquid.

Roy - Feeding Fatty - Learn How to Create a Healthy Lifestyle in 90 Days Why Wait Any Longer (43:01):

Okay. Okay.

David (43:04):

And you know, the other thing is everybody's, you know, like I said, the example I give, oops, give me the book about, um, experts. One expert will say, you should eat breakfast. Another will say you should avoid breakfast, perhaps. And then someone will say, well, you should only eat fruit before your, you know, lunchtime meal. Others would say avoid fruit and only have protein. One research study will say, if you increase your protein intake, first thing in the morning, you'll have more success losing weight. Another research study would say just the opposite. So again, we're all different. We have different chemical compositions, different hormones, different body types. So you need to find out what's going to work for your body specifically and your comfort.

Roy - Feeding Fatty - Learn How to Create a Healthy Lifestyle in 90 Days Why Wait Any Longer (43:55):

Yeah. I was just teasing you. That, that was the last thing one. Now the other thing that Terry brought up too, is the microwave effect. If we could just hit that just shortly from, I'll make that the end

David (44:10):

In doing research. What I've learned is microwaving food is unhealthy and bad for you because it changes the chemical composition. If you Google, whether microwave food is unhealthy or not, it will say 90% of the time that it's okay. In 74, you, they buried the bad stuff saying it's unhealthy for you. So the reason being is almost 95% of households have a microwave, right? And most restaurants use microwave. They don't want you to know that you're not supposed to be eating microwave food. So I avoid back food as much as possible. There are times sometimes it's unavoidable. Um, if you don't know who's preparing the food or how they're preparing for you again, I'm not a purist. I'm not saying you have to be perfect. No one is perfect. Just do your best to improve your eating habits. And before you know, it you'll start seeing the improvements.

David (45:11):

And the biggest thing, the number one factor for the audiences drink more water, give up the soda and diet soda, and I can hear it. Now, what diet soda has zero calories. However, most diet soda has aspartame. Aspartame has 92 known side effects that are all negative and most. And what it causes is waking. If you're like, well, how does a product with zero calories? Cause waking the aspartame inhibits your body from absorbing vitamins, minerals and nutrients. So now you're putting your body in starvation mode. So now your body's craving more. Also the aspartame increases your craving for sweetness. So now you started eating other things that are sweeter, right? And so it's a vicious cycle. Um, just understand that that sodas and sodas are chemicals and they prevent your body from absorbing vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. And that's why your body wants more fuel for itself. And that's why you eat more.

Roy - Feeding Fatty - Learn How to Create a Healthy Lifestyle in 90 Days Why Wait Any Longer (46:12):

Okay. Awesome. All right. I'm keeping my promise, David, thanks so much for taking time out of your day to come on the show. It's a very interesting book and everybody needs to pick up a copy. Uh, the other thing I want to ask is what is something that you do in your daily life, a habit ritual, maybe an app or something that you use, but what, what do you use that adds value to your life? Personal professional, something you couldn't do without

David (46:41):

I start the day with doing affirmations. And my first affirmation is I begin the day with gratitude and being grateful and, um, you know, begin the day being grateful for all the new opportunities. I'm going to receive all the new connections. I'm going to make all the new information and to learn. So I have a whole list of a page of affirmations. Um, my first thing is, like I said, I start my day with a glass of water, 16 ounces of water. Um, so little things like that. Um, there's things in the book with the affirmations and declarations that people could look at and the book is available at Amazon and Barnes and noble and at their library. And they can probably get, uh, at their local independent bookstores. Okay. So that's, that's the biggest thing is just, you know, being grateful and Connie my blessings.

Roy - Feeding Fatty - Learn How to Create a Healthy Lifestyle in 90 Days Why Wait Any Longer (47:33):

Okay. Again, if not now, when is what the name of the book is

David (47:39):

Correct. And they can go to my website if I can give that up.

Roy - Feeding Fatty - Learn How to Create a Healthy Lifestyle in 90 Days Why Wait Any Longer (47:42):

Certainly I was going to ask you, you know, cause, uh, um, you do some coaching as well. So I want you to be able to tell people, you know, kind of who's your client, what can you do for them? And then of course, how can they reach out and get ahold of you? And then also where we can get the book?

David (47:59):

Yeah. Clients, basically anyone over age 40 who wants to make a commitment to reduce weight and improve their eating habits and lifestyle. Uh, they can go to the website of createyourthinnerself.com again createyourthinnerself.com. And there's a lot of great articles I write on my blog that gives a lot of great information so they can read the blogs and get an idea of who I am. There's some videos up there, uh, about my weight loss journey. Uh, I've been interviewed by, uh, Dean Cain who played Superman and Lois and Clark TV show interviewed by Kevin Harrington from shark tank, the original shark. So there's a lot of great information they can get. And then I also do a free 30 minute consultation for people to see if they are a good fit for the program. The is very affordable, very inexpensive. I've done it that way.

David (49:00):

It's a 21 day jumpstart program. So it's 21 days of getting short videos anywhere from three to five minutes with a little PDF, one page with more information and I've done it that way so that people can start improving their daily eating habits. Okay. And I call it jumpstart because it takes 66 days to create a new habit. And during this time I also give them a phone call each week for coaching. So talk to them about some of their struggles, obstacles, or challenges and what they can do to get past them. Okay. So there's a lot of great support in there.

Roy - Feeding Fatty - Learn How to Create a Healthy Lifestyle in 90 Days Why Wait Any Longer (49:37):

Okay. Awesome. And there's also a place on your website that they can pick up the book as well as Amazon, correct? Correct. Okay. All right. Awesome. We all go take a look at David, uh, a lot of great information and, uh, I know that, you know, a couple things that we're going to change is getting that water first thing in the morning and then making sure we at least have a couple before, uh, before our meals. So that'll be a first good change for us. All right. Well, that's going to do it for another episode of feeding fatty. We appreciate, uh, all of our listeners. Of course you can find us at www dot feeding, fatty.com. Also all the major social media, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and, uh, uh, uh, this video. We will have a video of the interview that will go live on, um, YouTube, whenever the, uh, podcast comes up. And of course you can find us on iTunes, Google, Stitcher, Spotify, all the major podcast platforms. We appreciate you sharing with your friends. Uh, and also if we're not on a platform that you use regularly, please reach out. We'd be glad to get it added. So until next time that's going to do it for me.

Terry - Feeding Fatty (50:51):

David Medansky. Thank you so much. We really appreciate it. Lots of insight. Thanks Roy. Thanks to appreciate some ranch. Thank you. Have a great day.

Roy - Feeding Fatty - Learn How to Create a Healthy Lifestyle in 90 Days Why Wait Any Longer (51:00):

Yup. Y'all take care of your health. Thanks.

