I Want To Feel Better. Focus On Disease Cause and Prevention Featuring Dr. Linda Marquez Goodine

I want to feel better. I think we've been shaped that way by social media, the news, I mean, everything you see, you go online, you order it, and you get it in 24 hours. You don't even have to leave your house for anything. If you want coffee, a pizza, but you know, it's not always the best option. As I always have conversations with patients because they want to get better

About Dr. Linda

Dr. Linda Marquez Goodine, D.C., C.N.

Dr. Linda Marquez Goodine is a Chiropractic Physician, coach, author, speaker, wellness educator

and podcaster who has been practicing since 1993.

She received her undergraduate training at California State University Fullerton and attended Los Angeles College of Chiropractic. She has been licensed and practiced in several states including California, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee and is in active practice in Lake Havasu, Arizona.

She is a certified Functional Medicine Practitioner with extensive postgraduate training in Nutrition, Functional Blood Chemistry, Functional Endocrinology, Brain Chemistry, Thyroid Health and Managing Obesity.

She has been studying health and nutrition for over 40 years. Her mission is to help people get to the root cause of their health problem, fix it with a natural, drugless personalized step by step plan including addressing the mind, body and spirit for optimal living.  

She currently devotes her practice to treating difficult conditions using customized blood test panels, hormone testing, gut testing and additional functional test to get to the root cause. Her non-invasive therapies, natural remedies, systems based approach and passion for health have allowed her to help thousands of people.

She keeps a very active lifestyle in addition to giving workshops, writing articles, in private practice and the mother of three children and is happily married to her high school

sweetheart. She enjoys spending time with her family, running and reading books on health, fitness and personal development.

Contact Information:


[email protected]

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More Information

Linda Marquez Goodine, D.C., C.N.

Premier Health & Wellness

540 N. Golden Circle Dr. Suite 112

Santa Ana, CA 92705

Office 714-599-3339

Email: [email protected]





Full Transcript Below


I Want To Feel Better. Focus On Disease Cause and Prevention Featuring Dr. Linda Marquez Goodine

Sun, 8/1 6:11PM • 1:02:20


eat, people, food, body, good, talking, feel, thinking, protein, meditation, muscle, thyroid, patients, running, life, mind, problem, moving, brain, athlete


Dr. Linda, Terry, Roy Barker


Roy Barker  00:05

Hello and welcome to another episode of Feeding Fatty This is Roy  Of course we are the podcast chronically our journey through wellness or to wellness. We know we started a lot of talking about diets and what we eat not necessarily a diet but just trying to take a more balanced approach. You know what we eat getting away from the sweets and carbs. We've also you know, kind of gotten into exercise and movement which is important and mindset as well. We talk a lot about you know, what's going on in our life and we also have professionals that we bring on from time to time to talk to them so today is no different. We have Dr. Linda and I'm going to let Terry introduce her


Terry  00:08

this is Terry  Dr. Linda Marquez Goodine is a chiropractic physician, coach, author, speaker, wellness educator and past podcaster who has been practicing since night 1993 I thought that was that was a typo. I always say it's 19 something. She received her undergraduate training at Cal State University Fullerton and attended Los Angeles College of Chiropractic. She's a Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner with extensive postgraduate training in nutrition, functional blood chemistry, functional endocrinology, brain chemistry, thyroid health, and managing obesity. She has been studying health and nutrition for over 40 years. Her mission is to help people get to the root of their health problems, fix it with a natural drugless personalized step by step plan, including addressing the mind body and spirit for optimal living. Dr. Linda, thank you so much for coming on. There's so much more to say. But I want to get right into talking to you. Welcome to the show. Thank you so much for being on with us.


Dr. Linda  01:55

Oh, thank you for having me on. I was just been so excited to chat with you. You both just have just you're full of just life and just I love your personalities. Do I go when I lived in the south for a little bit like in South Carolina. I lived in North Carolina and Tennessee. And then it's like you start talking like y'all and thank you ma'am. And this is Southern girl coming out. Oh


Terry  02:22

my gosh, I would have been backhanded if I didn't say ma'am or sir. I still say it and people get offended now. It's like whoops, I'm don't mean to offend you. But


Roy Barker  02:31

it's funny because I spent some time in the northeast and you know, I always said thank, you know, like a cashier to convince me Thank you, ma'am. You call them ma'am. You know, it's like it was an insult to be called ma'am there.


Terry  02:44



Roy Barker  02:46

Well tell us a little bit about your journey. How did you grow up wanting to you know, help others is this kind of been something that led you down the functional path?


Dr. Linda  02:57

You know, I've always kind of been I always saved I'm still a nerd I was I've always been a nerd and I always I kind of go back to middle school when I just you know you have those moments you know you have that day that you just you just know something's just gonna change your life well I had that moment when I was in middle school when a kid was he said some not so nice things about my about my body. And it was just that one thing that you know you you turn would say make lemon into lemonade. You know, life gives you lemons, you make lemonade and and I just from that time I was about 12 years old. I just just totally just changed by live I started I started running which then I fell in love with running and then my mom started taking me to the do remember Jack Lalanne? Yeah. So one of the first gyms that he had opened was in Orange County, California. And my mom would take me to the gym when it was women back in the day, it was just women were on certain days, men were on certain days and then on Sunday,we would split the time, ever since


Terry  04:11



Dr. Linda  04:12

Um, it just it really just changed my life. I mean, I grew up under care under like chiropractic care. we ever got sick, which very rarely we did. My mom went just and got herbs out from the garden and just made us a tea and just said drink this. You know, we didn't miss school. If we have a little cough. It's just like drink this. You're going to school. It's not like nowadays. And she cooked for us at home. We weren't really want to pop a pill for anything. It's like okay, we're going to go to the chiropractor. And so that's kind of how I grew up. And I knew that I wanted to be a doctor. I wanted to help people. And I really wanted to be a brain surgeon because I thought that's like the hardest thing that anybody could do. That would be the coolest thing. But there's a little problem. I hate blood.


Terry  05:00

That reading under it.


Dr. Linda  05:02

Like, I don't know about that. And growing up under chiropractic care now i just i rant I because I ran a lot as well, I ran cross country and I started running marathons and so forth. But that's really what kept me on healthy and sane. And it was just amazing what they could do the miracles that I saw just in our in our, you know, in the practice, just watching people and hearing the stories, but in our, you know, with our family as well. So that's kind of where my journey started. And I went to chiropractic college, and from there, you know, physical medicine is working more on the body, the physical portion of the body. And then I got more into what's called Functional Medicine, which is more working on from a nutritional perspective, the biochemistry of the body. So that's kind of how I got involved in in what I'm doing now. And I love it.


Roy Barker  06:01

So interesting, bringing up Jack Lalanne, because I remember my dad, and one of our neighbors, they would get together, I guess, whenever his show was, I can't remember like in the evening, and they had this, you know, like a slant board that he did a lot of stuff on slant boards, but he wore those like, coveralls tap things all day. Yeah.


Terry  06:23

Yeah, but my dad had like a jumpsuit, it was just suit thing. And he used to mow his lawn mowed the lawn and it with his with his black socks that we thought we laughed forever. Like, Dad, you are such a nerd. And we cannot have any way Come while you're doing this. Oh my god. Well, that just seems like such a natural progression for you to go into functional medicine and the holistic side of it, since that's how you were brought up. And so you know, so many of us, it seems like now we just really want to throw pills at it and just fix it quick fix. We want the drive thru, we want everything now. It's just everything on demand. And it can't be like that, especially when you're talking about your health.


Dr. Linda  07:14

I think we've been shaped that way by by social media, the news, I mean, everything you see, like you say you want something, you go online, you order it, and you get it in 24 hours, you know, you don't even have to leave your house for anything anymore. If you want coffee, you want you know, a pizza, which I don't eat, but you know it pretty much anything. If you want to you can google anything, you want to learn something, you just YouTube it and it's there instantly. But you know, it's not always the best option. As I always have conversations with patients because they want to get better. They want to say, Oh, well, if I do this, well, I feel better tomorrow, yet they've had an issue for years. And a lot of them like it's got to be easy. Otherwise, they won't do it. And it really frustrates me. And I think that's kind of where the mind training comes in. And I remember I believe it's Rohn Jim Rohn. He says, don't wish for things to be easier, wish for you to be better. Because when you're better, things will be easier. Everything you do becomes easier, not Let's wish that this was easier. And that's kind of the progression of where we have gone as a society. And it's really just just disheartening. Because we never get to, I think, reach our full potential if we just want everything to be easier.


Terry  08:46

Yeah, and it just seems like I mean, everybody, I feel like everybody wants to do the right thing, but wanting and doing that. It's just not the same thing.


Roy Barker  09:00

Well, and we found out it's, you know, we talk start have started talking a lot about sustainability. Because, you know, I'm that guy that wants to quit and cookies today and tomorrow, I want to see, you know, a big difference. And I know that's not realistic, but it's like, you know, that's the that's kind of the world my mind lives in. And so, you know, us trying to make these little changes and tweaks that we can mindlessly do from now on, you know, something that we don't have to continually think about and just because that's us, we we know what we should do. And we know how to do it. We know all the right things. It's just, you know, something, we can start but something will typically derail us like you know, I don't know just a change in schedule. Sometimes that's all it takes


Terry  09:48

something happy or stressful either way.


Dr. Linda  09:52

I think that's where the mindset comes in. And I that's where behavior modification and I look at my soul As an athlete, and that's how I say I'm an athlete, and if I'm an athlete that requires daily discipline of mine training, water intake movement, what fuel I'm putting in my body. And you know, when I'm in practice still, and I do functional medicine and physical medicine, the physical aspect is I'm still adjusting patients and I will share with them because they come in with like, shoulder problems, back problems, knee problems, or you know, a lot of kids their their necks, they're like this the whole time. They have horrible posture. And I'm telling them, it's not what I'm doing. And here, it's what are you doing the 24 and a half other hour 23 and a half other hours that you're not in the office when I'm working on you, we need to focus on. And I think when you change that mindset that you know, hey, I'm Roy, I'm an athlete in training and your training is so that you can perform better in life. And you can be the best version of you. Because I always feel if you if you're not feeding yourself, Well, you can't express yourself to the fullest potential that I believe God has given you gifts to share with everyone else. So everyone else is losing now.


Roy Barker  11:19

We talked about this, that it affects us. You know, we I've got another business podcast, but you know, we had a guy on there talked about, you know, to be a good leader, we have to have that self care, we got to get our sleep, we got to eat right. And it's true. Because, you know, if you don't get enough sleep, you typically grumpier, you don't make as good or as quick decisions. And it just it, it really affects all areas of our life and our partners as well. Because when I don't feel good, I'm sure. You know, I'm not as active or as quick to do things for Terry as I should be. So we, anyway, that's a good point to make


Terry  11:56

leading by example. Its such a when you think about it, it's like, oh, my gosh, what do I have? What do I have delete about? But you do everybody does? You just have to do it?


Roy Barker  12:10

Yeah. And I'm thinking about the about you saying that you're an athlete, as I just got to thinking when you said that, I thought, Oh, I'm kind of like SpongeBob is SpongeBob, his friend, you know, like, Yeah, what is that? Yeah. What I feel like


Terry  12:26

always thinking, I'm the athlete that's gonna join the hot dog eating contest. That's terrible. I'm kidding. That was an awesome analogy. Because I'm, I was thinking that's something I could do. If I thought I was an athlete, and started in that mindset, and started going toward that path. It might it, it would help me not might, it would help me try to get back in because, you know, we get off track. So


Dr. Linda  12:52

we're even asking yourself, what would the best version of you be like? No. Do you have a game or having a picture of the best version of you? What would he or she look like? And it's totally up to you however you want that person to be?


Terry  13:09

No. Oh, that's awesome. Yeah, taking notes. Yeah.


Roy Barker  13:14

You know that that vision because we talk a lot about in in business, where do we you know, where do you see yourself? How do we want to get there? So we should do the same thing with our with our health and wellness as well. So we had a couple different things we hope to get to. But I think we wanted to start with the five health strategies women should know that doctors don't sell them.


Dr. Linda  13:43

We'll see what how many we can cover that. Yeah. interesting one, but let me tell you that because this is what I share with my patients especially as as we get older. A number one I'm like, you have to have protein. I'm like big on you've got it. I tell my patients and men and women I said the minimal you should be having as 100 grams of protein a day and have protein for breakfast, break your fast with protein. Because you have macros protein, you have fat, you have carbohydrates, you do not need carbohydrates to live, you do need fat because your brain is primarily made of fat and it will function off of fat, not necessarily I mean, it does also offer sugar carbohydrates. However, for every 100 grams of protein that you eat, your body will make 60 grams of carbohydrates. So it's still making carbs that other systems in the body can run off of it. Yeah, that's one thing I said eat protein for breakfast and, and I have them shoot for the goal. First eat 100 grams of protein. If you want to add in some carbs or something else after that, then go for it, and that way, most of the time, they're satiated. Not only that, they're starting to build muscle. And you when you focus on muscle, the fat just comes off. And you need to have healthy muscle in order to have a healthy body. Because there's other systems that benefit from having healthy, a healthy muscle mass, you know, in your body, and as you increase it, your fat mass is just going to go down. So that's one thing I said eat protein for breakfast and shoot for 100 grams.


Roy Barker  15:33

Okay, okay. Got it? Yeah, because, as on the chiropractor side, I guess, you know, our skeletal system is very dependent upon our muscles to make, you know, because that's another thing I know, about myself is not having as strong back muscles. You know, I tend to slump over probably more than I shouldn't


Terry  15:55

sitting at the desk and just, you know, look in different directions. And


Dr. Linda  16:00

in the end, take a look at the older population, they look more emaciated. We were just talking like about Jack Lalanne. I mean, he was ripped, and he looked amazing. It's like, Okay, take him and a person that's running all the time, who hardly has any muscle mass, and they both break their hip, who's going to recover faster? I'm banking on the guy with the muscle, not the scrawny guy who is going to lose even more muscle mass because they're like, well, I can't move, I can't do anything. Whereas the guy that has more muscle mass, like why can still work my upper body. So give me some weights or let me do something and they're going to heal and recover because most of the older population, they don't actually die from a hip fracture. They die from the complications of a hip fracture, that hit home that really hits home personally, because that did happen with a loved one. No, that's why I'm like, even as we get older, and one of the common reasons people don't eat protein as they get older is because they their stomach, they make less hydrochloric acid to break down to proteins, so they don't feel like they're hungry. And I'm like, Okay, then you need to start supplementing with hydrochloric acid because yes, you do start making less however, you, you need that in order to digest the protein that you're eating.


Terry  17:27

Okay. Interesting.


Roy Barker  17:32

All right, so what what is the what is the second thing


Dr. Linda  17:35

number two would be kind of like we're talking about, you know, protein for muscle is resistance training. Our ancestors were moving, they were they were moving all the time, the men went out and did the hunting. Right. They were very active. And women, they didn't just stay, stay, stay around the grounds and just chitchat. They were preparing things as well, they were doing so I'm a big believer of, you know, resistance training, moving heavy things, more functional movements, I do a couple different things. at the gym, I like to do more like I like to do squats, I like to do lunges, anything is going to work more the bigger muscles, you know, like, chest press, things of that sort. And I've also go to like a combat fitness class, which is a combination of like kickboxing, boxing, kind of martial arts and doing ropes and push ups and setups and you're just moving the whole time. And I believe that resistance training really helps a lot with that. And especially it just gives you more confidence. As women, I always feel like we need to be more confident. And that once again, is going to help build muscle and when you help build muscle, your basal metabolic rate goes up. So your fat mass goes down. And we have a tendency to focus I think we've had weight loss. The whole weight loss industry, that's what they're focused on weight loss, but whatever you focus more on, you become you have more of that problem. It's just like, what happened when Oh, drug free America. It's like, you know, we're having more drugs. Now. Why don't we focus on Hey, let's get America healthy.


Terry  19:27

Say no to drugs. That's the whole thing.


Dr. Linda  19:31

is like, let's let's focus on you know, becoming stronger, more functional in our movements, you know, posture and we're talking no kids who are, you know, here, it's sad that I have to tell kids, Okay, sit up, shoulders back, you know, the girls chest up, you know, and in their head is like, forward and like okay, you have like 12, a 12 pound bowling ball. That's way out here. And it's just creating biomechanically the body, you're gonna have a lot of other issues, lower back issues, mid back issues. And so just being mindful of even just your posture as well. So the the protein, the resistance training and the resistance training, you become more in tune with your, your, the physicality of your body, to your strength, your posture.


Roy Barker  20:21

And even if you can't make it to the gym, you know, there are a lot of things. And that's a great thing I keep in kind of been on this kick today about how what a great time we live in, we have so much information and things at our fingertips. But anyway, the point was, I was gonna say, we can look up ways to do the resistance training around the house with things that we have, we don't have to go buy a lot of equipment. We don't have to go to a gym, we can do it, you know, right here,


Terry  20:50

and there's a YouTube video for me, YouTube, whatever, there's something for everything.


Dr. Linda  20:54

Absolutely. And those bands come out come really handy through those really intense because you're, you're stressing the muscle throughout the full range of motion, right? Like working with free weights at the gym. It's just like, okay, you get to maximal contraction, then you just, you know, kind of release it and go back down when you're using bands. I mean, you're working the muscle and full range of motion. Oh, it's great.


Roy Barker  21:22

Yeah, and a lot of those two actually can help you incorporate that core strengthening as well, which I know that that's really important. You know, we tend to want to focus on our extremities, but that strengthen in our core, helps with balance and a lot of other things.


Dr. Linda  21:39

100% Absolutely. prevents a lot of lower back. lower back problems, which, literally, I mean, probably actually have you both experienced some back problems.


Roy Barker  21:52

Not just like, more, well, she's


Terry  21:56

got terrible I have a lower back fracture I didn't even know I ever had and then some crushed disc in my neck. And I just feel like I'm just all shriveled up already.


Roy Barker  22:05

Yeah, and I haven't had any thing like that. I mean, I was out moving some tree limbs yesterday and think I might have overdone it. So I've been kind of hobbling around like a older gentleman today.


Dr. Linda  22:19

So you're, you're a little sore today.


Roy Barker  22:22

very sore.


Terry  22:23

I feel like if I move, you know, I feel like some mornings I get up and I just don't want to move because I hurt in those certain areas. But I know once I get going, I do. Close your ears, Roy. Once I get going, I do feel I feel better afterwards. I mean, I'm gonna be tired until I address the issues, you know, like I should, I guess. But the more I move, the better I feel along the day, and I'm able to accomplish more.


Dr. Linda  22:57

And once you get going, it's kind of like okay, I'm going on, right? It's moving, it's moving. Right?


Terry  23:03

You can do this. I can do this. It can do this. I can do this.


Roy Barker  23:07

Well, sometimes it's like in life in business and health and exercise and everything. It's it's a momentum, if you can ever take that first step, the second step, and third step, they just become much easier.


Terry  23:21



Dr. Linda  23:21

And we have to talk to ourselves a lot of time. I mean, we all do, right. I'm not the only crazy one that's having conversations with her.


Terry  23:30

I'm my best listener. talker, not listener, I don't listen to myself, I talked to myself.


Dr. Linda  23:38

times we have some pretty intense conversations, right? I mean, in the morning, it's like, oh, you know, you really need to sleep you really need to get your rest. The other ones say get up. Yeah. And the other ones now but yeah, you went to bed late last night and it's like the the angel and the devil kind


Terry  23:57

of exactly. That is exactly what it's like. Yeah, I hope nobody is listening to what's going on in my head because I know what I'm that's it straight jack and for me, I'm going


Dr. Linda  24:10

all be committed if you can we all read each other's minds, you know, that person is thinking you look at them, like we're given the devil Look,


Terry  24:21

if you could just give them the little white bubble, you know, that says what they're thinking what what everybody's thinking, you know, with the little dots on it, and everybody's thinking this. There's a cloud. Oh, gosh. Okay, we digress. Yeah. So what's the third thing, ma'am



Third one I always tell my patients do this as well is check their ability to digest their food. Because you can be eating all this great food grass fed organic pasture raised, but if you're not digesting it, it's like you have holes in your tank. Should one have a real easy way to do this. is to take the baking de baking soda test. There's another test called the Heidelberg test, but you have to go into the doctor's office and it's like three, I think it's like 300 bucks, you swallow something in there, a little pill and then it tells you how much hydrochloric acid stomach is releasing. But if you do like a just a baking soda test, I have my patients do this like for three mornings in a row. And what they do is take about a quarter of a teaspoon of baking soda, pour it in some water, put in some water, mix it about four ounces first thing in the morning and drink it, they should get a nice, healthy belch within like the first 30 seconds minute, and within three minutes, if you don't belch there's a good likelihood that you're low in hydrochloric acid. And you need hydrochloric acid of course to stimulate instruct the whole digestive system important for gallbladder function, pancreatic output on liver function, opening and closing of different valves in the digestive tract. So said you've got to make sure that you're digesting the food that you are, you know you're eating, because then you're not extracting the nutrients. And you're not triggering the nutrient centers in the brain telling you Hey, I'm full. I've had enough. Okay. in the morning. I'll do that in the morning, then you want me know?


Terry  24:57

So it's a quarter of a teaspoon with water or ounces of water? Okay. Yeah.


Roy Barker  26:40

All right. And I got permission to belch.


Terry  26:42

Oh, my gosh, I was gonna say I don't think he has an issue. Sorry.


Roy Barker  26:51

Okay, thank you. Let's move on to Okay.


Dr. Linda  26:58

All right. Number four, we have been talking a little bit about this. But I think you've really, really have to train your mind. Because in the mornings, when there's times I normally get up at four in the morning, we like to meditate. And I remember this, I had gone to retreat, and I remember the doctors had, he's in my head saying Do you want to stay the same? Or do you want to change in the biggest time, there's two times throughout the 24 hour cycle, when your brain is more susceptible to changes subconsciously. And a lot of the things that we do on a conscious level, we can't change them on a conscious level because they're done via the subconscious level. So it's between it's right when you're waking up. And that four to five o'clock hour is when those brainwaves start to change, just like your beta brainwave, for example, is when you're awake, you're wide awake, and you're ready to go. But when you're sleeping, you're in what's called a Delta brainwave. So think about this, you're in you, you go through Delta, when you're asleep in a you're just waking up, it's called theta. And then when you're a little bit more active, it's alpha. And then when you're super active, it's beta. So you're going through that transition where your brainwaves are changing when you're just waking up. And also when you start winding down and going to bed. So that's the important time to really work on the that subconscious mind and with meditation, visualization, affirmations, speaking to yourself, recording your goals and actually listening to your goals in your own voice. super powerful.


Terry  28:55

I have heard that Yeah. Many things, but I haven't done it yet. So I don't like to lose myself in that circle. I got an excuse for everything. I hear a lot.


Dr. Linda  29:05

Yeah, do it. It's really powerful. And then, I mean, I go back and I have the recordings of podcasts that I do. like years ago before podcasting became so popular, just being on radio shows. And I'm listening to them. They just came up on my phone. I'm like, wow, who's this girl? She's smart. And I'm like, Oh my God.


Terry  29:29

That's too funny.


Dr. Linda  29:30

But just listening to your voice like no, Terry today's gonna be the best day ever today, you know, and then you're you're just you're really just speaking out to the universe what you want. Because everything we say we think has a vibrational energy has a frequency. The heart map Institute has done a study that our heart has like this big energy field. You know, and even just when you hug someone like you know, Heart to Heart instead of the side hug It's so powerful, you know. So I try to like, hug my kids and I just, you know, squeeze them. I'd rather have like a hug Heart to Heart instead of like a side hug. And it's just, you know, when you train your mind, you really can do anything as you were saying, it's like, oh, yeah, and I really, I really don't want to get up, you start finding excuses, of why you don't want to get up right?


Roy Barker  30:27

Now, so much. No, that's interesting, because, you know, I've tried meditation over the years, and just never had much success. But you know, what I think I've learned lately is that it's not going to be perfect every time. But we have to stick with it. Because you know, I have better days than not. But the other thing we added is doing it at night, right before bed for me, because it clears my head, have all these other thoughts I've got going on. But it really relaxes me and prepares me for sleep. It's interesting how that happens.


Dr. Linda  31:03

And there's so many different forms of meditation. I was at a retreat, and we were in meditation from, I want to say it was four in the morning till about eight in the morning. Wow. It went by so fast. However, yes, we were in the meditation for that long and it went by fast. And before I was just like, people were telling me that had attended the retreat. I'm like, there's no way they're like, it only felt like it was 20 minutes. And it did, it only felt like it was 20 minutes, because meditation really is just is just being aware. Well, and there's times where I'm like meditating. I'm closing my eyes, and I'm thinking about everything else I got to do. And then I just bring myself back to the present moment. And I'm like, No, no, no, no, no, just come back. And I just go, I just kind of, you know, look at my look at like, looking at something dark. And just breathe and focus on my breath. Yeah. And there's guided meditations. And you can start with the five minute meditation, just focusing on your breath, and just being aware of your breath.


Roy Barker  32:13

Yeah, that's kind of what I do that I tried to do 10 minutes, but try to really focus on that. Breathe in, in and feeling that go all the way down, not in holding it for a minute, but then actually, you know, feeling an exhale. The other thing too, is I'm a very shallow breather during the day. And so that's a good time to try to train myself to take those deep breaths. But it's hard. I have to admit, it's a challenge to keep re centered or keep in the moment, because I'm like, you, I'm thinking, Oh, when I get through with this, I need to do this and I need to do and then but it's okay. I think I've learned for me, it's okay. I just have to stay say, Okay, stop, you can think about that. When this meditation is through, you don't have to think about it right this moment. You just have to continually remind yourself and recenter


Dr. Linda  33:05

Yeah, and I think a lot of it too, goes back to just, you know, training your mind. Right, is really even the words that you're saying? Like I will, I would say so many times I can't meditate, or I hate meditating. And so those are, those are powerful affirmations in a negative way. Right? Everything we say, our body, our it's, our body encodes that. Yeah. And so we'll create situations in your life to make that true. And that's where the mindfulness and that's where training your mind. Like, I can do this. I can figure it out. There's a way if other people do have done it, I can do it. I'm not really sure how but I'm sure I can figure out a way. And then what happens you get some sort of YouTube video shows up a friend calls you get a text, something shows up a book falls off the shelf. Crazy things happen.


Terry  34:09

World runs by it's like over the hedge that movie, you know, squirrel squirrel, that's me, I can get distracted by anything.


Roy Barker  34:17

But I think that the the self talk too, is important. Because my dad used to have a saying that cat never could. And so you know, when we say I can't, it may be, you know, reframing that say how can I? Or let's figure out how we can not just I can't because


Terry  34:36

if you want to have already made up your mind,


Roy Barker  34:39

yeah, it's like whatever you tell you. When is it there's a saying about that, that you can be, you can be successful or you can be a failure. It's whatever you tell yourself. You'll make that right. You know, if you say I'm a failure, I'm a failure. Right? Yeah.


Dr. Linda  34:56

Absolutely. And as you were saying, if you say something like well I can't do that. You can just add yet. Yeah, you know, sentence or as you were saying, How do I reframe this? Or if I have questions, I have patients and people that I coach ask, you know, what would it take for me to blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah? And just throw that question out there? What would it take? And when you do that, something will show up. It's like Google, holding your brain in and it's like, oh, you know, why am I so dumb? It's like, Okay, well, your brain is gonna bring back memories of stupid things you did when you were a kid. And that's like, That's why, and why am I so awesome? Yeah, it's gonna bring you bring back situations of, well, you did this, this, this and that. So it's really, so much is really the mind training. And I think that's like a missing component. And that really should be the priority in anything that we do, whether it's business, whether it's relationships, whether it's we're trying to get healthier, lose weight, you've got to train the mind and is we're talking about my mind is, Hey, I'm an athlete. I'm not competing in the Olympics or anything, but I try to train like, I'm an athlete, so that I can show up as the best version of myself every single day. So we all need to speak to each other.


Terry  36:28

Right, that I started reading, what is it breaking the perhaps the habit of being yourself? Dr. Joe Dispenza. Oh, yes, we have heard. I mean, he has been his name has been thrown around an awful lot lately. And so


Dr. Linda  36:48

yeah, that's the seminar that I went to their slash retreat seminar that was meditation, neuroscience, and the energy in the room is just like, overwhelming me like, positive and just it's life changing. Oh, Ben week, just


Roy Barker  37:08

say is the visualization and talking to yourself that use that power for good, not evil? Because I was, I was just thinking, how could I make some a bowl of ice cream appear? No. Careful watching.


Terry  37:26

being silly. Alright, yeah. So okay, so that was the fourth one mind, train to mind.


Dr. Linda  37:36

The fifth one that thats really overlooked that your doctor probably will never tell you is very rarely unless you're a functional medicine doctor is that you know, food can heal your body.


Roy Barker  37:52



Dr. Linda  37:52

a pill doesn't heal a you know, heal your body, it just turns up certain circuits. So you're not feeling things just like if you're in pain, it's a pain pill, but still doesn't fix the problem. And if you look at the top conditions that we're dealing with, it's really bankrupting our country, from cancer to heart disease to arthritic knees, depression, those are inflammatory conditions, diabetes, you know, die, obesity, those are all inflammatory conditions that are caused by the food we eat and its lifestyle. And so, whatever made our body sick, we can undo it because the beauty of it is we we created the problem unless you were born without let's just say without a spleen or with one kidney or without an arm. You know, though, those are other. That's those are far and few in between, compared to most people that have type two diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, thyroid issues, heart disease, those are all lifestyle and even if you have a gene a genetic predisposition for those, it's so your lifestyle choices and how you live that led it to you. There's a sane and functional medicine, it's your genes load the load the gun, but it's lifestyle that pulls the trigger. Interesting. You can have the genetic predisposition for it, but you're the outcome of it doesn't have to be like your ancestors because you're choosing to do things differently and live differently. So food can heal your body.


Roy Barker  39:38

Yeah, we are we have learned that we've talked to you know a lot of people that that is something that we truly believe and, you know, there used to be a I guess the theory or thought that you couldn't reverse type two diabetes, but I'm here to tell you that you will have a say in my opinion. You can if if you eat Right, and you move right and you do all those things. Most people, I guess, let's say the people that's lifestyle has created it, you can turn your lifestyle around.


Dr. Linda  40:11

Absolutely, yeah. 100% I have seen that and even with heart disease and show many people on medication, and I said you can, food can heal your body. Absolutely. 100%. And it doesn't really benefit a doctor to tell you that. If they're just it's typically a five or seven minute office visit. You can't teach them in that time. And why are you eating that? You know, and sometimes it's deeper than that. There's there's emotional things. And that's why go back into Well, what's going on in the mind? What are you telling yourself? What conversations are you having with yourself? What conversations are you having with everyone else around you? Both all really, they all tie in, you know, together, all five of them. But food can heal and we're talking about food in its most natural state. And well,


Terry  41:09

thats the key right there. Because it's, you know, so much of our food has just been processed and additives and, and supplements as well. So you have to be careful with your supplements if you're taking supplements, but you should try to do as much with with the whole foods first before adding a supplement. Correct?


Dr. Linda  41:33

Absolutely in in with supplements, it's there to supplement, it's very difficult to get all the nutrients that you need, unless you spend the entire day just focusing on that because the food quality today is not the same as it was 50 years ago. Even not saying like McDonald's. They weren't as bad. You know, 30 years ago, 40 years ago. It's pretty bad now and you know, so many of the fast foods I mean, it's it's fast food, and I don't even know what a hamburger costs at McDonald's and how but I'm sure like they're making a huge profit because it's the the cheapest food that you can get,


Terry  42:22

right? It's probably you know that much real beef or whatever they want to call it. And then the rest is just junk, just junk that they've thrown in. Well,


Dr. Linda  42:34

nowadays, too. There's a science to food a lot of there, there's food scientists that there's a lot of chemicals in the food that will actually trigger parts of the brain so that you're not satisfied and you just want more. And there's nutrient sensors in the brain that tells you when you're eating good food, healthy food that you've had enough to eat, and that you don't need to eat anymore. You don't junk food and chemically processed food does not have it doesn't sensor, it doesn't trigger those nutrients sensors in the brain telling you stop eating, you've had a month, it doesn't. Whereas it's really hard to sit down and eat two pounds of steak. I can sit down and eat a pound of ribeye, but I can't sit. You know. I'm sure that after a pound of ribeye, I'm like, Okay, I'm good for a while on stuff. I'm just satisfied. Yet people can eat a whole pizza. And there's no there's hardly any nutrients in that pizza. And they're just like, okay, now I've had a whole pizza and they're more like bloated


Terry  43:42

And they want dessert


Dr. Linda  43:44

They feel uncomfortable. But they still can have dessert. Yeah, they'll still keep eating.


Roy Barker  43:50

So what about these? Speaking of the, you know, food can be medicine, you see a lot of these charts that they how the different foods easily fruits and vegetables, how they align with parts of our body. You know, we've always heard about like the carrots and your eyes side. Tomato, I think it's tomatoes and your heart. But there are some really good infographics out there that have that is is there some validity to that?


Dr. Linda  44:22

You know, that's a good question. We used to share that with people. Honestly, I think a lot of it is more just encouraging people to to eat more of the real food. It's like okay, if if like you say carrots are good for the eyes. Okay, what does that just mean? If I have a little sliver of carrot, I'm good to go. It's where we have to look at Well, how much of carrots right for your eyes, you know, what state and so forth. So, yeah, a lot of the vegetables and fruits there's a lot of vitamins in them and minerals. And how much do you have to eat of that too? Right? Well, there, there is some validity to that. But a lot of the studies don't really show Well, what's the quantity that you have to consume? Is that 100 grams, 200 grams, then we really are getting into the science of all that.


Terry  45:19

Well, then if you have, you know, like one of those, if you have something like type two diabetes, or thyroid issue, or hypothyroidism or hypertension, then you have to worry about, like, the fruit, the sugar and the fruits and which, which of those break it down even further to which of those fruits actually are going to be more beneficial to you?


Dr. Linda  45:45

Absolutely, absolutely. Yes, you, especially a person that's a diabetic, they'll say, Oh, yeah, I eat a lot of fruits and vegetables. And it's, it's like six cups of fruit a day, and maybe like their vegetables considered a carrot, or corn or potato. Like sorry, that's not a vegetable doesn't count like is your vegetable serving. And so really, everything is customized for each person to figure out, you know, what works for Terry, what works for Roy, you may be on two different eating templates. Like, my eating template is different than my husband. And it's funny, because he's like, Okay, what eating? What eating plan are you on? Now? What are you doing now, and I'm like, I'm always rotating, because it's like, the Four Seasons, right? It's like summer, a lot of people eat more vegetables, you lean out more winter, you put on the winter coat, because you're probably you know, eating more, you're eating just more probably snacking on things because you're inside more. When the summer you know, you're outdoors more. So I'm always changing my, my palate changes a lot. And so I rotate the foods that I eat as well. Sometimes I'll be carnivore, where I'm just eating meat. And there was a time where I was a vegetarian, there was time when I was vegan. And there were different times in my life, where I was just doing something different. And it just didn't work for me, it was okay, I was I when I'm like, Okay, I'm gonna go back and do plant based. And then 20 years later, I decided to plant base for just a short period of time. And I'm it just it did not agree with me. I was I felt horrible. My skin was horrible. I got bloated, and I'm like, there's no way I'm going to continue to do this. And for me, and for my body chemistry, it just it didn't agree with it. And we tend to forget that. I'm not sure if you're familiar with like lectin. And, you know, in plants there's, you have, plants can't hide, they can't run away from us. So they have their own little defense system. And if we eat them, it's like, hey, they have their internal defense system, like phytates. Whereas like an animal, you know, that's going to be our dinner, but they can run right into for us in euphoria to eat plants. We're still eating something that doesn't want to be eaten. So it's really looking at each once again, like when I work with patients, it's like, Okay, I need to know their history. What you do have kids, what's your ancestry? What medication are you on? What is your goal? To figure out what eating template works for them? And then we just tweak it as as we go. And just depends on what is the goal when you try to diminish some of the cardiovascular issues you have or you know, control blood sugar, it's just like you want to optimize your thyroid because even like, you mentioned some before Terry about with thyroid, sometimes women who have too many cruciferous vegetables, it can inhibit that whole fibroid on conversion. Right. So yeah, there's a lot to this.


Roy Barker  49:02

Yeah, and then so OK, I think the other important part that you've mentioned is it's okay to tweak, you know, we we can start down a path. And it may not be working exactly the way we need or want it to, but maybe it just takes a little tweak to, you know, get it just to that right spot. And that gets back to I'm sure. You know, you encourage people keep that keep an eating diary. So we know what you're putting in if you're testing your blood, you know, test your blood sugar's you stay on top of your blood pressure, and then you can see how you're eating affects all these things.


Dr. Linda  49:41



Terry  49:43

And how, Okay, can we I know there's so much to talk about, but I do want to make sure upon this too. So five reasons that you're not losing weight. Oh.


Dr. Linda  49:56

All right. Well, let me run those really quickly. Yeah. Come on down, especially with women as we get older, but one is having low thyroid function. Remember thyroid is a low butterfly gland here that, that really you have thyroid receptor sites and every cell in your body and they are responsible for the basal metabolic rate. So how fast everything goes? Sure, if you have low thyroid, no matter if you're eating clean, you're exercising but you don't address your thyroid. And then you're going to continue to struggle with that. And I've seen that Peto people that go, keto, paleo, they do plant based, they do vegetarian. And I'm like, well, you're if you're, if you don't know your thyroid markers and women, the reason women start to have more thyroid issues as we get older is because our estrogen levels drop, right? We need estrogen for healthy thyroid function. And because of stress that'll interfere with that. So low thyroid would be number two low iron levels as well. I will see that with a lot of women who they don't want to eat, you know, animal products because they they've been told the the narrative is eating meat is bad for you eating meats gonna cause cancer, eating meats gonna raise your cholesterol So I often ask people my goal. How often are you eating like a steak or ribeye? Well, I don't eat red meat. I eat really healthy. I'm like, Well, whatmakes you think they're red meat is not healthy. You know? It's kind of like having you know, why is chicken healthy? And why is beef? not healthy? Why steak not? It's more looking at? Well, how was the animal raised? animal was raised on what steroids antibiotics? Does it make the chicken healthy? No!


Terry  51:46

Right? What kind of meat it is? process? Just foods.


Dr. Linda  51:51

Yep. So the low thyroid, the low iron levels, we see a lot of that you need to have healthy iron levels in order for your thyroid to work properly. And of course, we have all time, low iron levels, you're tired a lot of the time and if you're tired, you're not going to want to exercise. You get lazy, you get complacent, you know you're irritable. You're grumpy. So you just don't feel good.


Terry  52:13

What do you got the funny look in his eye like, No,


Roy Barker  52:17

no, no, no, no, I'm just saying. You know that that's the way that goes with, you know, with sleep that starts the downfall of, you know, grumpy not x not wanting to go exercise just leads to a lot of places. Yes,


Terry  52:31

I'm sorry.


Dr. Linda  52:32

Another one is even on we talked about and if you're not eating enough protein. So I know that I've gone through that even with patients. It's just like people do keto and keto is very high fat, kind of moderate protein. I like to do more of a higher protein, higher fat and then drop down their fat so that fat is just for the purpose so they can feel full.


Terry  52:57



Dr. Linda  52:57

break your sugar cravings. And then number four would be stress. You know, stress can be physical stress, chemical, emotional stress, and like you were saying, Roy, I mean, one of the physical stressors is not eating, not sleeping enough not getting adequate sleep, right? Because a lot of healing fat burning occurs while you're sleeping. Yeah, your body's recuperate. Anytime that we're awake, your body's in a catabolic state mean it's, it's breaking down. Anytime we're resting, we're sleeping. We're in an anabolic state, meaning we're recovering. We're building muscle recuperating. So stress the physical, chemical, emotional chemicals, you know, everything that we're eating everything we're putting on her skin, everything in their environment, and emotional comes with our relationships. The most important relationship is the one that you're having with yourself. After that, that mindset and the positive self talk and creating a mind movie a life movie, a life script of what would you want your What was your What is your ideal life, like, and visualizing and seeing it and hear it every single day? It's like, man, I tell everyone, I said I have the best husband in the world. I said, because every morning I just I say that I'm like, I'm so grateful. I have the best husband in the world. So I tease them and I tell him I'm hypnotizing you every day. He is and he's an awesome husband, you know, and then the other one that we overlook and a lot of people overlook and you're hearing more and more of this now or gut infections. I don't know how much you you're learning about, you know, interviewing all these people, but gut infections are huge with parasites bacterial H. pylori, when you're not making enough hydrochloric acid to digest the food, she'll get infections are huge, and I really believe that that's one of the one test that everybody should do and kind of connecting this with COVID. You know, a lot of it has to do with your immune system. And because a lot of people ask me well about COVID, and the shedding and all this, and I'm like, you know what a virus is going to thrive in a weak environment. And it's always looking for a weak host. And guess what 60 80% of your immune system is in your gut. How many doctors are checking your gut for infections? Very few. And that's one thing that's so overlooked. And I think I would prefer running a GI map a stool test over on blood tests sometimes and probably would get better results with patients. Because when you have gut issues, you're going to address that with what diet?


Terry  54:17

That's great.  Right? That's right.


Roy Barker  55:43

Yeah, that's those are two things that I think we have learned or I'll speak for me, those are two things I have learned as we've done the show gut health, because like you said, was it 70 or 80% of our immune system starts there. And the other one is inflammation. It's like inflammation seems to be you know, the bane of all bad things that happened to our body. Start with the inflation.


Dr. Linda  56:11

Yeah. Your body says, Yeah, when your body's inflamed when you're inflamed. Guess what? You will end up with a leaky gut. And when you there's the gut brain connection as well. So when you have leaky gut, you have leaky brain. Oh,


Terry  56:25



Dr. Linda  56:26

Huge connection with that. Yeah. So inflammation impacts the gut is well, right,


Roy Barker  56:32

right. Excuse me.


Terry  56:34

Yeah. Oh, my gosh, I remember we had a we we've had a few guests that have talked about leaky gut leaky brain. But recently, we had we had an is Delia neurologists. She's neurologist, she's dead. She's something to do with neurology. I can't think of exactly what her title is.


Dr. Linda  56:57

And even a lot of psychologists now are starting to work with their patients even address them. And psychiatrists, instead of giving them medications just like, hey, they're running more labs now. And even a person that's depressed can have low iron levels, and they're like you're depressed and the low iron levels or have low functioning thyroid, and they want to put them on some sort of medications, like, Okay, my low iron levels, and my low thyroid levels are also connected to my diet.


Roy Barker  57:26

Right? Yeah, exactly. Well, I know we're running way long. But we did want to get those last ones in there. And we certainly do appreciate that. Did you have something else, Terry?


Terry  57:38

No, no, that was great. I know, I can talk to you all night and get leaky brain. I'm like, oh, gosh, now I gotta go worry about I gotta take my omega 369 oil right after this. Working on that I'm working on not getting all timers or dementia. Working on all of that in my gut.


Roy Barker  57:58

Dr. Linda, we'll have to have you back on we could like I said, we could go on for another hour very easily. But yeah, we thank you for your time. What is a habit? Or a tool? What is something that you do or use every day in your life that you feel like adds a lot of value professional or personal?


Dr. Linda  58:18

gratitude? Excuse me, lets you know, excuse me?


Terry  58:36

Oh, my goodness.


Dr. Linda  58:39

I'm okay. Okay.


Terry  58:42

Gratitude isn't like good. I mean, that that is a really good one. I have to remind myself all the time with my angel on my devil on my shoulder saying gratitude, gratitude, gratitude. You have to if you don't if you're not grateful, then we'll have to look at the good things that are happening because everything else will pile on and it'll become a bad situation


Roy Barker  59:09

you know, even on our worst days, you know, we have to remember there's somebody that's got it much much worse than we do we have a sha you know, we have third world or first world problems, you know, we've got shelter, we've got food. But you know, we worry about the internet not working or the computer not being fast enough. So yeah, we really need to watch that because that just adds to needless stress and I'm in that person. So I'm speaking from personal experience there for sure.


Dr. Linda  59:41

so grateful that I still have my voice for some reason. I need water.


Terry  59:48

That's right, that just goes to show you you can never drink too much water right.


Roy Barker  59:55

Alright, so who do you like to work with? How can you help And then of course, how can they reach out and get a hold of you?


Dr. Linda  1:00:03

Well, I would say the people that are willing to take responsibility, so I'm losing my voice here, fitness. Or say people that are willing to take responsibility and are ready to make a change. Okay. Yeah. And most people that come to me have been to, oh, gosh, 7,7,8,9, sometimes even 10 doctors before, you know, they come and see me. And they're at their wit's end that see if I can get my voice back here. They're kind of at their wit's end of just, they don't know what to do anymore. Excuse me. And the best way to to get ahold of us is just go to our website, Dr. Linda Marquez.com


Roy Barker  1:00:57

Okay. All right. Great. Well, and we will include that in the show notes. Again, thank you so much for your time. It's been very educational and enlightening. Yeah, we appreciate that very


Terry  1:01:07



Dr. Linda  1:01:07

Thank you both. And I appreciate what you're doing, and just how you're sharing the information and bringing on guests to educate and help other people and just contributing to the good of this world. So I want to acknowledge you both and thank you for that.


Roy Barker  1:01:23

You bet.


Terry  1:01:24

So glad to have had you on here and we'd love to have you back. You've bee a wealth of information


Roy Barker  1:01:31

well, we never talked, I wanted to also talk about energy. You talked a little bit about that. That's something we've learned a lot about as well. So next time we can do that.


Dr. Linda  1:01:39

Sounds good.


Roy Barker  1:01:40

Alright, that's gonna do it for another episode of Feeding fatty. Of course, I am Roy. I'm


Terry  1:01:44

I'm Terry


Roy Barker  1:01:45

You can find us at www.feedingfatty.com we're on all the major podcast platforms, iTunes, Stitcher, Google Spotify, for not a one that you listen to let me know I'd be glad to get it added to make it easier for you to listen. Also, we're on all the major social media platforms probably tend to hang out on Instagram a little more than the other. So reach out we'd love to interact with you over there. Also, a video of this interview will go up on our YouTube channel, go over there and check it out. Until next time, take care of yourself and take care of your health.


